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About bulldog2

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Saluki ground lurcher View Advert Saluki ground four years old working day and night 100% on the beam rabbit hair no time for him as other commitments Advertiser bulldog2 Date 02/01/24 Price £600 Category Working Dogs and Livestock  

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    Saluki ground four years old working day and night 100% on the beam rabbit hair no time for him as other commitments


  3. This is mine that's what I told he was
  4. Anybody got any pics of there suluki whippet greyhound any help be great
  5. I sent him a message don't think he's been on here for a couple of years
  6. Looking for a old boy on here geoffrey his name on here was brookie having talked to him in years lovley old boy anybody no
  7. ye i heard she was a good bitch bit of a head case tho i think i could be wrong
  8. by big bimbi what you mean stags and bucks?......wasnt buster gollys sire a saluki x X bull x? yes mate stags and bucks but on anything eles he get the job done but i can only judge on what ive seen of the breeding
  9. listen lads every dog has its limit i find a lot of lads wont let a dog heal up befor its next outing i owned a dog out of golly called jake and i be very onest he wouldnt do big bambi but anything eles he was great on but in all onesty he never had a lot of gears so mabe he go sick of chasing bambi but i believe that dogs are bred 4 surton things and 4 deer unles golly was put 2 a pure greyhound deer dogs they were surtonley not but that is only my opion from what ive seen of the 1 i owned
  10. what buster spewed aswel did he ya learn somthink new every day
  11. i dont think it was golly who spewd because he had 2 many wormers i think that was a dog out of him i could be wrong
  12. any of you lads got much stuff out of golly i havent seen alot out of him lately i was looking at old topics of him he seemed a decent animal put some pics up if you got any dogs out of him
  13. so pleased my dog has been out 4 8 weeks with pulled tendons in the shoulder hes been in the pen all that time with a little walk each day wel ran him on 3 rabbits tonight he caught 2 and there was no limp so hopefuly he should be ok
  14. i just bought the littium 22amp battery and the light force striker with the dimmer buttons it brilliant
  15. took the dog 2 a realy good greyhound vet dan doherty he said the the dog has pulled the tendons in his shoulder hopefully 6weeks rest wil do the job
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