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Everything posted by markvining

  1. Hi lads, Thanks for the great advice again Ive passed all the comments on to my friend and will trying them out this week will keep you posted to see how he gets on thanks mark
  2. Hi all Ive got a friend who called to day with a problem with s410 TDR he's getting very poor group's he Say's it shooting all over the place he thinks it something to do with the silencer and is convinced that the pellet is hitting it but only a small improvement when he shoots it with out he's a bloody good shot being shooting for years and put me to shame when shooting my gun. The barrel is not threaded and the silencer is locked in place with a small bolt there is some movement in the silencer any ideas i would appreciate it. thanks mark
  3. Great write up, it funny last night i was with an old friend and we were chatting about guns an he said come and have a look at this he pulled out the garage an old hw77 stock in great nick but barrel and all metal work could do a bit of work sounds like a great Restoration project got any suggestion thanks mark
  4. sold sold sold sold sold soldHi all fancy a change so I'm selling me belove HW100kt in .22 flavor in very good condition £550 for a quick sale comes with bipod and scope many thanks mark
  5. Excellent boyes, i heard this year previous winners and army marksmen are not allowed to enter the comp this year please sign this thread if you agree lol only joking but F**king Hell give us mere mortals a chance lol mark
  6. A great gun a bit on the heavy side but very accurate and i wish i had a lass which buy me guns for Christmas well done
  7. very very nice i think i know what i want from santa
  8. Another good vid, cant wait until i get my camera for crimbo and get soon of my own footage on the go mark
  9. Hi Dave see you sunday mate remember your lamp this time mark
  10. I mite just take you up on that would like to have a go before i shell out £600 I'm starting to get into the old HFT just got back from Bisley i like the social side and a bit of banter i will PM my number thanks again mark
  11. Hi Si Good shooting have there being any 50m groups sent in yet, if no we could have a play next weekend. I also agree with Sweeney Todd Ive started using 14gr seem to give a bit more accurate on the long shots also I'm being playing with different zero ranges at the moment I'm using 23.5m it keeps it all on the cross hairs out to 27m then its just know your mil dots its still work in progress but seem to help me at hft job and ratting. mark
  12. Cheers Buster, that has just made my mind up i nealy just went for all that bling your gun looks a nice set up, the money i save i put towards a good scope thanks again mark
  13. i think i could of done with a few pints before that shoot off
  14. hey tony keep looking after that trophy for me i want it nice and shiny when i have my revenge!! lol
  15. Hi just a quicky im a bit stuck on what gun to get a S400 mpr ft or a Daystate mk4 please help
  16. Hi Terriejohn i did that with the last gun it was all ok for months until are lass was having a read on my profile on THL and i was busted i dont think i get a way with twice mark
  17. A & M customs are not to far from were you are well worth a look mark
  18. cheers buddy any idea where i could get shooting insurance which company would be cheapest ect ect cheers john Hi Terrierjohn i think when you become a member BASC you get a liability insurance to cover i cant remember how much the membership is but it mite be worth a look mark
  19. Hi mickey great gun you will have much fun, ive also got s50 pro good night vision great for ratting im hoping to get a extra IR lamp for crimbo so i can really hit the rabbits all the best mark
  20. Hi just got back from seeing Addie from A & M customs what a top bloke he not usually open for business on Tuesdays but i was over half way there today visiting another farm so i poped in he said getting the power up was no problem he would ditch the Anti Tamper and fit a FT adjuster so in the future i can remove the back plate and adjust it. I also so asked about tunning He replied" what do you want from the gun" which did have me stumped "What do i want from the gun" so i thought about getting the stock fitted to make it a bit more comfy when doing HFT. I also mentioned i was thinkin
  21. cheers guys always good advice hopefully i can get it sorted this week Ive got the second hft comp of the winter league. I seen people on you tube adjust the power but Ive never had a gun in bits and going on my mechanical skills i will leave it alone Ive still got a CBR 600 in bits in the garage. I love the gun its action is a match to a Daystate i tryed at the local club. Will keep you all posted
  22. Hi fellow Hw100 owners, my gun has just being crono'd at 8.4 the gun still shoots consistently but way down on power. Si has already suggested A&M Customs or tench and i will give them both a ring tomorrow, also you never seem to hear about hw100 tunning please help fellow hw100 owners or mite have to join the oopar lumpars in the fellowship
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