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lifelong cumbrian

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lifelong cumbrian last won the day on November 2 2018

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About lifelong cumbrian

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 20/03/1963

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  • Interests
    Ferreting, mole trapping, fishing, lamping, air rifle hunting, making things. I also have a keen interest in photography.

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  1. i get most doubles from fence lines with putanges. we all have different styles of trapping, as long as we are happy in our approach and catch rate everyones a winner.
  2. what is the pin pointer you talk of mate, i was going to get a old metal detector folk lost traps but i have a pacemaker in and it would probably effect it.
  3. will be a mole in the other trap, will have dragged it up the tube, if you dont have a means of locating it follow the tube by pushing a stick up, you will have to open a few bits up probably. If the ground is really stoney you could put a bit of twine on and peg in outside the hole, only drawback with that is the trap could move slightly when the mole touches the trigger, not ideal.
  4. not a problem, hopefully he has plenty joy.
  5. Thank you Phil, that means a awful lot to me coming from a man with a wealth of knowledge in all things to do with the countryside.
  6. Yes you have both positive aspects of the trigger there mate. Hope he does well with them, keep me informed please.
  7. I had one about in about mid 80's i would think. Like said, was a pump up.
  8. Thanks mate. They are a game changer for me.
  9. when i clean the tube out with the spoon i wiggle the spoon side to side, that tells me how big the tube is, i then use the trap fitted with the appropriate trigger that is the best fit for the tube. A putange with a standard trigger set in a big tube is like a trap in no mans land, the mole could go up the side of the trap, hit the post etc, therefore missing the trigger so no catch. If the trap is filling the tube it has more chance of catching. I now use Putanges almost all the time, with standard triggers i would not use them in big tubes for the reasons i pointed out. These triggers make
  10. Here is a few pics, i dont personally use the small trigger which is same as a standard trigger narrow way on. The 3 on theses pics are (yellow) same as standard trigger big way on, (blue/white) 3mm bigger, (red) biggest trigger 6mm bigger than yellow. I use the 2 biggest triggers 99% of the time. As you can see when the trigger is loaded in the trap they are narrower at the bottom than the top, that way when they tip back they automatically want to throw of the trap unlike a standard trigger with 90 degree corners that can tip back wedging the jaws open and the trap not firing. Having differe
  11. I have 2 quads, a 34yrs old honda 300trx big red, permanent 4x4, it is a very reliable quad, will go just about anywhere. Can be hard on your body being permanent 4dw. I also have a 450cc cf moto, it has power steering and 2 and 4wd and diff lock. They are good quads for the money but on the hills i feel much safer on the honda, the new quads are a lot higher and feel less stable to me. You should be able to pick up a fairly new cf moto for 2.5k, hondas are a lot dearer. Depends what you want to do with it. The cf moto is automatic the big red is foot change.
  12. yes, give more your address and i will gift you a few to try and copy if you like them, im sure you will, quite a fair few trappers are using these now and i have never had one negative comment.
  13. that is one i bent with the pliers, all that wants is cut through the 2 wires in the middle and then twisted straight, you need extra length on the wire to be able to form it, there is no wire waste forming with the jigs. Once made let them rust, rub the copper coating off the wire with a scouring pad before forming cutting wire and forming the trigger, it will then rust faster. My catch rate with putanges has improved massively. I call these Cumbrian style triggers.
  14. well done, best traps going for me are Putanges, even more versatile for me with my custom triggers, i use different sized ones for different sized tubes, i want the jaws of the trap up to the tube wall, that gives you the best possible chance of the mole hitting the trigger correctly. I have them rigged up on different coloured spun poly twine for ease of identification. The shape makes them fire much better than rectangular triggers that can tip back without the trap firing. I make 4 different sizes, the pic has 3 sizes and a standard trigger on. I made jigs for forming these triggers but t
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