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Everything posted by lamperman

  1. advantages are you can leave the gun cocked when hunting no spring to nack up also the power does nt varie mate every shots the same
  2. use your hand mate it s cheaper and ther s no chance of batteries going flat
  3. why not get a sako quad then you can have 2.2 and 2.2 magnum in the same rifle they are a bit more money than a cz but worth it
  4. my lad has one in his bsa supersport its excellent
  5. you can t put a price on a dog that gives you its best and does its job well especialy when you work alone
  6. you may have seen ginger moley in a white van not me and as for good looking you must have changed alot over the years and the pickup well just a red h a van them days remember or and a lurcher called sox
  7. i use the same wire snares as peg n gun and snareman mate at they end of the day as long as your catching rabbits the farmers are happy
  8. excelant result phil think what the bag would have been if the weather was in your faver mate
  9. why not drop a long net tonight
  10. are your hutches situated where cold winds and rain can hit them all the time mate
  11. it rings plenty of bells for me moley time fly s don t it
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