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Everything posted by 3175darren

  1. think we should all stop paying tv licence to bbc and paying the pedos wages they employ or have the forgot about Jimmy savilethey think they are untouchable, savile would not have got away with it for as long anywhere else, they knew what was going on, they have let the population down, in many ways, it's time it was disbanded or at least made accountable to the license payers, fare representation for all not just the lettuce murderers,
  2. The thing is the BBC are not impartial, it's run by bigots who will not consider our opinions at all, despite being paid for by the whole, population, of TV owners they have a duty to everyone who pay there licence fee, if people could opt out of paying, you would see real changes then, especially when there income is related to customer satisfaction, they are complacent they get there money no matter what they do,
  3. cracking job, you must have bloody good eyes and dexterous fingers,
  4. We never recovered from mixi of last year, odd one around but saw another mixi, first one of season yesterday,
  5. Be careful feeding the bank of river, make sure no livestock can get to your feed, you could blow there stomachs, always feed into the waters edge, a shallow slow spot will do nicely, you don't need a lot of feed, little and often is best, as in shooting them , watch when the birds flight in, they will arrive either first thing on a morning, or last thing at night, my river they arrive in the mid morning and sit on most of the day, so I rarely shoot them on it, and leave them to rest, and maybe walk them off a odd time a month, but I have three small flashes and a nice pond, within half a mil
  6. I second that, good book, there was one published by judith irwin [ making your own wine and beer] which for someone just starting, I thought was very good step by step, and very good recipes,
  7. definatley worth thinking about mate mine seems to really like the 40 grn v max, I am going to try some 40 grn hollow points soon as well,it's deadly when snipeing rabbits, really like the gun, might be time to sell the 223, as fox wise it ticks all the right boxes as well,
  8. The worlds screwed, nut jacks every where,god help the families of all involved, we are heading head first into Enoch Powels prediction, god I hope not,
  9. Mark fare play to you, plod on steady, it's not rocket science and no one knows the dog better than you,you are doing the right thing by asking, Training a dog / partner and that is what they become,is a time consuming thing but worth the journey, ask all you want as far as I am concerned,
  10. I agree the coil springs are better, the leaf springs can work well, but too many cheaply produced poor quality one out there,
  11. I have one, they are ok better in spring when the birds are pairing, keep it clean and spend your time learning the calls,
  12. Yes, you need something to hold his attention, in my opinion it is a very good way of slowing the dog, allowing you to see his body language so you are able to read him better, done on a long line,and worked up wind on the cage, but do it carefully, enforce the point that's what the dogs bred to do, after a while when and only when, you know he has this lesson ingrained in his memory,do you go onto releasing the bird in sight of him, while giving the command to drop, keep all the commands simple, the problem with this, is you will get the benefits of every bodies different ways of doing things
  13. You are very talented mate, well done really like that, very much,
  14. Try and get him pointing, it sounds like hes not, and just going straight into pursuit, they are hard dogs bloody fast thinkers you have to lift your game to match, learn his body language and try to be one step in front of what he is thinking, get a pigeon in a wire cage and long line him up to it on the wind,when he gets close you should see his near side ear flicking, as he starts to look back at you to back him up, he should start to stiffen up,the very start of a point, with your flat hand run it from his ears right down his back,and quietly praise him, if you do this right he will start
  15. was gonna post the same thing . I seen that tactic posted years ago online and saved it to my bookmarks for future reference . This is what i seen Another good way is to walk home with your boots off, stocking feet lay a good line of scent back,if ever we had a dog hunt off in a wood and were unable to locate it, the dog would hunt back to you,the old man swore by it,
  16. Ant, try and get some familiar scent out, a old jacket maybe, or a pair of socks, some thing she associates with home / security her bed blanket, up wind from where she was last seen, that type of dog would pick the scent up miles away, the area is strange to her, once the panic has subsided, she will go back to using her nose,
  17. Cheers cc I have the foxes around at the moment, I have just never set a bullet so far back,so was interested to see what the thoughts were, my mate has to do it with one of his rifles, with the v max bullets, and as it seems, its common practice with some rounds so I am less concerned than I was cheers,
  18. I have started to reload for my 22 hornet, and have gone to the 40 grn vmax bullet, whats bothering me is the bullet seating depth,I could not get a modified case, so had to order one, any way thought I would do it the old way and candle the bullet in to the lands,soon realizing that that wouldn't work as the vmax bullets have the polymer tip, which made the round far too big for the clip, so decided to load to max allowed clip length, I did try a three shot group last night, And was pleased with it, then it started to dawn on me the bullets would be a fair way off the lands, and as s
  19. He's a gob shite, with what seem's to be a a must have dog cos there's that much work for them, they should be compulsory before anyone is allowed to go stalking blood dog, sorry for the sarcasm, he wants prosecuting for cruelty, dick head doesn't come close to his description, even if he was winding you up,guy wants out casting,shouldn't be carring a rifle if that's how he operates, like the huntsman that turned anti and went to the press, describing his own actions as though it was normal,who received the right response from members on here,rant over
  20. Leave a little loose soil in the run bottom,and sit the ring onto it, make sure the trap fits firmly in the hole, so it wont wobble as such when the mole tries to shove through, on the ring there's two bent lugs either side of it,adjust these with pliers till you get the trap as sensitive as you can, yet so it will not fire on its own, yet go on light touch, the other thing I find is the trap legs are some times too long on the trap, sit the trap on a table top set and make sure there's minimum travel room under the trigger ring,I have had to shorten these in the past,as for a trap, Tunnel an
  21. There is one in camouflage shown down the side but its a fiver and im a yorkshire man.I am Yorkshire man too mate,that's why I will get one from aldi,
  22. Bloody otters will kill anything, they can cause no end if damage, and there population is exploding at the moment,
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