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Everything posted by 3175darren

  1. Yes it's getting around to that time of year again, for all of us, I have enjoyed your posts,and look forward as I am sure you do to next year, thanks for sharing your seasonal exploits Blaise, happy new year to you, and your family, good luck for next season and I hope your last two days are fruitful,
  2. 3175darren


    Yea an Otter will take a Mink if the opportunity arises, but he's only king in the water, and so only has an advantage over the mink in open water! Think about it! A Mink has any amount of nooks and cranny's to pop into, when out of the water! Places an Otter can't get to! Also, are they really in competition for the same Pray! The way i see it, Otter mainly feed on fish, with the odd bird, rabbit, frog thrown in! Mink mainly pray on frogs, rats, rabbit, with the odd fish thrown in! Otters hate Mink, that much is true, just like Mink hate Stoats! They see them as competition, and want to el
  3. 3175darren


    It is without doubt the floods affect otters, but like any other animal they seek rest-bite from the flood I have them behind the house, also I have the odd mink, they turn up mainly after the first sea trout/ salmon run, which doesn't cause too much of a issue if there's enough fish, they stay then hunting the river, in my job I come across them fairly regular run over, I have never seen the kits or found there tracks, only adults which in its self is strange, I know people like to see them and they are Bonny things to watch,but like said earlier,like the badger, they have a very bigoted grou
  4. 3175darren


    It's not a treat to the guy who paid to stock the pond, I agree good to watch but murderous little sod's, very effective hunters, and will need there numbers controlling in five or ten year, I lost two free range hens last yr to one,
  5. I think you blow the pattern with them 30/32 gram loads, the normal 26 gram kill beautifully,a good 20 bore is a real pleasure to shoot, and I agree with jocky
  6. Has anyone tried looking in a chandlers/ sailing supplies, they have wire for the mast rigging, I know it sounds stupid but with a ask, they may be able to source what you are looking for?
  7. with any luck yes, but it's bloody warm at the moment very mild, True, but I seen one a few weeks ago.And traps work in the warmer months too. Were still getting the odd one in tunnel traps,far to warm down this way for anything to be thinking about sleeping the winter away and was watching hares box today...bloody hell not seen hares boxing yet, but the crow seem to be flying in pairs, which makes me wonder when to start with the Larson traps, and found rabbit belly fur fri afternoon, which is good for me as its been a shit yr on rabbits,
  8. with any luck yes, but it's bloody warm at the moment very mild,
  9. I have 3 gallon of port on the go, 1 damson and 2 of elderberry
  10. I know this will have been done before, I have had a scrounge around, but wanted to ask, if anyone had any highseat plans so I could knock a couple up, my backs knacked and think an odd high seat. Would be very helpful at times,I don't want a major construction job, just something simple I can leave in situe,any guidance would be good,
  11. I enjoy this forum, yes I agree with most of the above, but there are idiots every where, its a fact of life, its also a fact that we don't see the admins input too much, so it is difficult to gauge, how much input they have to put in, to manage the site we are also not aware of how much S**t they remove, or delete, or how many people they Ban, I won't go on face book, I feel it has a huge affect on people,and in some cases there self esteem, to a point where I think a lot of people are addicted to the bloody thing, posting there every move,looking for approval from somebody, by being liked, a
  12. 3175darren


    it makes you laugh when the article says he has been jailed ( I presume in the past ) for violence and planting bombs ???? What the F**k is he doing walking about any way he sould be doing very serious time at least, bet there's plenty of lads inside would like to know he's a anti??
  13. I love the bloody things, great little bird and I have tried to get eggs , for two yr where I am and I have failed, we just want to get a few breeding pair on the land, we have none on my ground, despite serious time spent on vermin, I think you would be able to move a few on, good luck to you,
  14. 3175darren


    Looks like a d**kh**d where does he operate, he has a familiar look about him, not sure if he has been on photos on here before,
  15. How did they do Blaise, did they catch?? The weather wasn't good, hail, rain and snow, wind. One badger in the morning with a young black dog, very good. Another badger at the night, more difficult, with a black bitch. Very courageous dog. On the bright side you didn't miss that much, and well done to lads, dogs back fit and well, to work another day,
  16. How did they do Blaise, did they catch??
  17. it owes you nothing, after all them years service, I would change the set of glow plugs and stick a new battery on just for good measure, the biggest one I could fit, bloody good trucks them,
  18. but badgers a the special ones There nothing but destructive little B*****ds, as for buzzards place is lousy with them, and the rabbits have had a bout of mixi, so the feed source is Low, I had one take two chicken poults this yr, first time that's happened for a long time,
  19. I love the talpex in soft soil, I do a lot of fields that are sand,or with a high peat content,in that kind of ground, I find them to be deadly,every where else I just use the barrel trap,I have never used the fenn's they look handy enough,is there any particular way of tuning them or is it a case of bending the lug on the trigger plate, like a normal claw trap?,
  20. Tottally agree well said, feel sorry for the family though enough grief without that shite stirring it,
  21. Well I finally managed to scrounge enough Damsons, as the crop up here has been crap, really poor to say the least, anyway this recipe I made 10/15 yr ago, but I lost the recipe when I moved up here, but found it last week, I have to say it was the best port I have ever made, but took a long time 18 months, any way the ingredients, 4 lbs Damsons ½ lb Rice ½ lb Wheat 1 lb Raisins 4 lb Sugar Yeast 1 gal Water Pour boiling water over damsons and leave for 7 days. This liquid should then be turned with stirred Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Then add the rice,
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