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Everything posted by 3175darren

  1. You may be set in your ways, but occasionally something comes along that will make life easier. Putanges are great for public areas where trap detection may be an issue, or you open a run and find 3 tunnels, duffus in one, putange in the other. SortedI do that now with a nomol trap, they do look more substantial than the nomol traps though,
  2. i have to agree with this, DSC1 is no true proof of competence,
  3. I might give them ago trouble is I am set in my ways,
  4. its still a favourite to me, they stick to the nostril inside, loose one minute then stuck the next, when the dog gets hot or produces snot,trust me that spaniel suffered for weeks,and was pushed to the point of insanity in the end, it was a junior vet that found it,you say the teeth have been checked, as it may be a small abscess starting ,
  5. You say licking her nose, has any one looked up her nose for foreign bodies, I saw a spaniel once driven to dispair by a peice of dried grass that had some how got lodged in its nostril,I suppose I am talking crap,but don't understand why the dogs indicating, nose/muzzle and the vets give stomach tablets
  6. I prefer a decent tunnel trap, very effective and can catch two a time, as for trap man I have no experience with his products, but from what I have heard, there are quality issues, thing with mole traps there's loads out there to choose from, but there's a lot of cheap crap, which won't last, talpex are very good, and a quality English made tunnel trap, both will serve you well, there's plenty of threads on here to guide you do a search, putanage traps I haven't tried, but I have tried the no-mol which are similar, and they have there uses,I will try putanage at some point, but find it hard n
  7. Marvelous, about time they got consequences to there actions , they run around hiding there faces, cowardly scum, just bloody thugs,
  8. There a set of idiots any way, let them throw there teddies out.
  9. It's a animal I have never stalked,but will maybe try and sort a day this next year or so,
  10. I read somewhere they have turned up in Ireland, I am sure they didn't swim there,
  11. They are out there beast, good luck with the search, but type it in to your browser, last year I looked due to a argument and found a few,
  12. What bothers me, if it was a huntsman's hound it would have made national news, Sky, page one of every news paper, all the usual, lettuce crunchers screaming blue murder, yet this is the first I have heard of this , I wonder if people are purposely keeping it low key,
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/191440915364 I bought these, cheap and bloody good to wear, can't go wrong for that money, it shows with the price variations though, they don't know what to charge for them.
  14. just tried to pm you but your in box must be full?
  15. Yes Darren agree, drag them in were you want them, then set snares, dead rabbit or whatever out of the way. it is but if the estate won't let him use one he will have to try and adapt it, maybe in a smaller way, I love stuff like this it makes you think more about what you are doing, and proves the versatility of snares, and the value of a good trapper,
  16. I like the app for tide tables, also I snipe and bullet drop
  17. If you are worried of having carcasses laid around, try a large clean pickle jar with as much rotting rabbit/ road kill in as you can get, punch a hole in the metal top and burry it,with just the top showing, at the end of your trod, that will give scent for weeks and it keeps it reasonably low to the ground, very discrete, and effective,don't put your snare too close to the jar , keep them a reasonable distance away from it , or he will come in with his head down, and could shove under the bottom wire,use the vegetation to funnel him in,
  18. 3175darren


    its funny how the article says a marauding otter B******s it's a normal otter acting normally, that's what they do for a living, notice I said THEY, as in them all, do good brigade will try and pass it off as one rogue animal,
  19. Midden would be a good tool for you, it sounds like busy ground, can you not make trods away to one side, and just throw a dead rabbit up to the end of it, and snare the trod, you should then be using scent to pull the fox off to one side, of the main walking run, what about a colarum trap as in baited snare set,
  20. You will have to take your time, and pick your snare site very carefully, watch the ground and try and isolate there main runs, from what you are looking for, bare a bit of wet ground to try and get foot prints, in stragedic places, or snare away down fence sides, where you can definatley see fox movement on the wire,it won't be easy, as foxes will follow any line where there's scent,at some point you will have to face the fact you will catch the odd hare or at least get your snares disturbed by them, make sure your stops are in the right place, they will be a problem for sure,good luck.
  21. Yes it's getting around to that time of year again, for all of us, I have enjoyed your posts,and look forward as I am sure you do to next year, thanks for sharing your seasonal exploits Blaise, happy new year to you, and your family, good luck for next season and I hope your last two days are fruitful,
  22. 3175darren


    Yea an Otter will take a Mink if the opportunity arises, but he's only king in the water, and so only has an advantage over the mink in open water! Think about it! A Mink has any amount of nooks and cranny's to pop into, when out of the water! Places an Otter can't get to! Also, are they really in competition for the same Pray! The way i see it, Otter mainly feed on fish, with the odd bird, rabbit, frog thrown in! Mink mainly pray on frogs, rats, rabbit, with the odd fish thrown in! Otters hate Mink, that much is true, just like Mink hate Stoats! They see them as competition, and want to el
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