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Everything posted by 3175darren

  1. well done mate and by the way moles are as easy, fenn's can be deadly if set right,
  2. I would have a good look around mate, it looks well made thought, try solway feeders ltd, there in Scotland, they have a good website, and the same looking trap, but there are traps out there cheaper than that,
  3. Stunning bit of carving,
  4. Looks good and easy to set up thanks for sharing
  5. can I ask what mounts have you used to mount the scope,and is it holding well,
  6. Not a time to get found with internally added pockets, in a donkey jacket full of rabbit nets, and a folding 410, it would be a interesting experience getting searched looking at the rifleing of a tank, trying to explain it's not a suicide vest,
  7. Remove the licence fee make them compete with the rest of the media, punish them for lack of impartiality, they are bigoted and people should have a choice, if they want to buy a licence, they closed the coal mines beacause of the cost of production, how much does the BBC cost the people a year, and for what bigoted biased news, they have attacked mr trumps policy anyway they can, they are payed by the British people, and as such should represent the whole population, they are a disgrace in my opinion, and it's time the politicians sorted them, but they are scared of them, that's the power the
  8. accidents happen, always have and always will, it's good people have the honesty to admit them, then other people can learn from them,
  9. Rabbits ?yes mate, I have always found them a handy little trap, I don't use them often, only if I am clearing some around a garden,
  10. I have caught plenty in mk6 fenn's never had a problem,
  11. Beamish I think there's loads at it, probably along with the European politicians, bringing laws in, in there own favour,
  12. Too true, we are the stupid f****rs, spending billions all over the world,and most of it doesn't get to the cause, it's syphoned by corrupt people , who then demand more, once the money has left our banking system it's gone no trace,
  13. i made one the same, they do work well, but bloody noisy,
  14. Good luck mate, mine was amicable at first, I don't envy you I wouldn't want that again,
  15. i wouldn't mind that copy myself his loss will be felt by many
  16. Be careful, if the dogs happy enough leave be, or get a second opinion, you didn't by accident tell him the dogs insured or owt did you, they are hardy little things, if it was bothering him you wouldn't be able to pick him up, they learn to cope with birth defects, and it never seems to bother them, so long as it's not a heart defect, or some internal organ, and it can't be that apparent or you would have noticed it yourself,
  17. that's a strong looking wee Russell type Darren. Is he off digging dogs?he is bred from good earth dog stock mate,in truth though that's not the main reason I have him,
  18. Very nice indeed, I particularly like that first one,
  19. He's saying it as it is, I can't fault him for that, well done Nigel,
  20. Yes but it's supposed to be enjoyable, not a competition to beat last years bag returns, it some times depends if the shoot captain owns the shoot, or is elected to run the shoot, the ones who own it tend enforce the rules more, ( probably beacause they wrote them) and the captains who are elected, pander to what the guns want, these tended to treat the beaters worse in my opinion, where the ones who owned the shoot, made you feel more valued, again in my opinion, but then neither is an excuse to shoot unsporting birds, at the end of the day we are all under the anti shooting spot light, and
  21. It's sometime just down to standards, I remember when they would refuse to shoot low birds, also when the shoot captain would bollock people for shooting low birds, or not breaking there gun, when they should, standards vary a lot I am afraid, now you see them putting extra drives in when birds, should be left to find a roost, there are still a majority of shots that operate to a decent standard I would hope,
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