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Everything posted by 3175darren

  1. The old man hunted with a collie dog, for years and swore by it, back then no one had hundreds of pounds to spend on imaginary world beating dogs, so they worked with whatever they had, he did a lot of terrier work also, and in his eyes they are all good dogs if they get the job done, nothing wrong with collie dogs, good dogs if brought on right, And as foxdropper says, any dog can be taught to follow up on blood, this I know from experience,
  2. It's been around for years, I heard they used to knock nests out with them, I would be scared of blowing the gun up,
  3. Ungrateful Ba***ds, I would have thrown the spade at them, no one wants to see a dog lost, any one would help the dog, but it makes you wonder what the dog will be into next, it's clear the guy can't control it, Good on you for helping get it out,
  4. I remember feeding bread pobs, /bread and milk back in the 70's and shoving the finger into the back of the mouth, still there's no better way than regular calm handleing, and a good diet, however sometimes, you do come across ferrets that havnt had the time spent on them, they maybe should have had, and it's back to basics,
  5. The only way I used to do it, was with a bar of soap, coal tar or something like, stick the bar into the cage first and get him to bite hard, don't give him chance to smell it, every day then wash your hands with the soap, and always offer the soap in first, they soon associate, your hands with a bad taste, this works with aggressive biters, and nippers, however if you dig down to draw a rabbit from off there nose underground, and there still fighting with it, they may still have a go, but generally won't hold the same,
  6. What a shit thing to do to someone, hope you get it sorted mate, either the trophies or you money back, your guide will feel bad haveing put you onto him, I would be driving round and knocking on his door, if I was him,chances are they are still stuck in a freezer bottom, and never touched,
  7. Not many a lot of time I forget to log out,
  8. My bloody terrier loves them, sneaky shit is straight into chicken hut and away if you don't watch him, eats the whole thing,
  9. My cattledog x putting a sneak on Happy teckle
  10. Natures wastage ? if the population in one area is too high absolutely
  11. This time of year it's not uncommon to come across a odd roe buck dead, stressful time or year for them, I gralloched one a few yr ago, I came across in a field edge, just to see if I could find anything, the only thing I found, was it's liver was knackered, with flukes, it hadn't been dead long, other than that it looked good, body weight was normal, nothing noticeable at all,
  12. Good vixen, good tail on it, you always have to consider the fact, when there taking lambs they Need to be taken out, but I hate doing it, without a backup plan to take out / deal with the cubs, but a lamb killer can cause carnage in a short space of time, you will have to do your homework and find them now,
  13. They are scum, how can they think that can be acceptable is beyond me, it said the group had 60,000 followers, Jesus that's a closed group,
  14. The thing is born hunter is right, it takes real dedication, and serious minerals, to do that, the lad pimitavley hunted that bear, I think he followed up next morning, which I wasn't keen on, they probably went mad, co's he enjoyed it, can't have people displaying enjoyment in hunting, and for me the spear clearly did its job,
  15. Fare play to the guy, I get the idea watching him, it's not his first,
  16. So if he's assaulted someone, will he get sacked like Jeremy clarkson, I hope so The BBC have a duty to be fair and consistent,
  17. Pacham and May would have said, it was traumatised having survived the Cull of all its family, and in no way responsible for its actions due to it aspergeous disease or it had just seen a paterdale and two lads with shovels,it's panic is fully understandable really, I hope they took it to the vets for its inoculations,
  18. And pop went his bubble of fame, it's a shame Jimmy saville didn't get his before he went, I like the US way of sentencing, we should learn from them,
  19. A caught a weasel just like that darrenin your picture! It was a couple years back on a local perm mate, in exact same trap.thought i'd got lucky when a seen a flash of white thinking it was a albino... had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too. Them weasels definately frequent runs lookin for easy pickings im sure of it" had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too.",.....?,.....handy to know that, ..just another reason, for me not to use that 'french' trap ! Thats a no-mol trap I hold a few to use when I break into a three way, or in areas with heavy public access,never tried th
  20. A caught a weasel just like that darrenin your picture! It was a couple years back on a local perm mate, in exact same trap.thought i'd got lucky when a seen a flash of white thinking it was a albino... had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too. Them weasels definately frequent runs lookin for easy pickings im sure of it" had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too.",.....?,.....handy to know that, ..just another reason, for me not to use that 'french' trap ! Thats a no-mol trap I hold a few to use when I break into a three way, or in areas with heavy public access,never tried th
  21. A caught a weasel just like that darrenin your picture! It was a couple years back on a local perm mate, in exact same trap.thought i'd got lucky when a seen a flash of white thinking it was a albino... had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too. Them weasels definately frequent runs lookin for easy pickings im sure of it " had plenty voles in putanges & field mice too.",.....?,.....handy to know that, ..just another reason, for me not to use that 'french' trap ! Thats a no-mol trap I hold a few to use when I break into a three way, or in areas with heavy public access,never trie
  22. who says nun's wear knicker's, that one of mine takes some serious abuse, and never faulters I change the seal/ Oring every 12 months or so, fires everything from BB'S down to my favourite 29 gram no 6's
  23. The young lad from the farm caught this one
  24. Glad you sorted it. It's one of life's mysteries. You could buy an identical gun and it needs oiling and won't work dry. its funny I have a hatsan escort also, people seem to knock them, and I can't fault it, it never fails to cycle I have stripped and cleaned that in detail, very forgiving gun, but this fabarm is short barrelled, and a magic gun to have in a Hyde, but it clearly doesn't like oil,
  25. Well it seems sorted' it's cycling 29 gram shells ok now I followed walshie's tip, and dried it out, I then very lightly oiled the cocking latch, as it seemed stiff, I won't be strip cleaning it again in a hurry, if it's not broken it doesn't need fixing,
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