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Everything posted by TonyT

  1. Just a walk with the family and dogs
  2. Either will do. round here the hard part is finding a vet that is willing to dock pups. Strange world we live in these days atb … T
  3. This is true about the docking certificate. I had my spaniels done with letter from keeper saying I beat /pick up on his shoot …. Which I do. ATB …. T
  4. Looks grand to me not too short coupled as some of the show white lakey type are ….. I agree nice Russell ?
  5. I grew up in Monk Bretton ATB T
  6. Roger Banister pissed it mate ?
  7. They look well mate ? you keep your runners and terriers in good order atb … T
  8. Thread started saying it’s time to put shovel away for the summer ?. we’ve done lamping , power walking and a wellie review since you can tell it’s summer ??
  9. A few easy wins at 17 month in April , he was too young last season , youd think he’s only had one winter. the dog isn’t much more than a pup in my eyes but perhaps my standards are lower than some ATB with the dog mate
  10. If I lamped at 4mph I’d spend most of the night on my arse ?
  11. You’re not far from me bangers KEEP OFF MY LAND ……. ? in days gone there would be teams of lad In Cafes having a breakfast all lying about where they’d been . then in boozer that afternoon good fun , good times ATB …. T
  12. I’d poach anywhere if they wouldn’t let me on. but I’d never dig another lads permission . I’ve been given many good days on good land and the reason is they know I’d never bounce back ? common land is anyones ? ATB …T
  13. Very nice mate im hoping to get one when this old lurcher is gone ?
  14. Aye fair play…. That’s pest control ATB …. T
  15. Exactly my point DMD ATB …. T
  16. ‘Just dig it ‘ off here made some last year might still do em , they were £50 genuine bulldog with welded screw couple Very strong and fit in bag just right
  17. Can’t beat a good winter fox when it’s hardened with the cold on its back theres no good comes from killing cubs if they’re harming nowt ? roll on Autumn ATB … T
  18. No mate going by the number of holes and state of the backfill just young lads shame as it has spoilt a good spot it won’t be used again for a while ATB Tony
  19. We’ve not had the best winter really tried hard and put the miles in on the rocks Towards end of March it was obvious where the cubs will be , or are . we kept away , just to see what came of it . been out this afternoon after work and two shallow earths dug. dead vixen behind wall …. Milky and another old dog dead …. This time on the footpath . ffs … have I lost touch or do terrier lads still leave quarry alone to breed ? Rant over ATB … TonyT
  20. Hope this Russell is in pup ? long thread , think I’ve lost the tale a bit YIS …. T
  21. Sad loss to the terrier world RIP Mr Nuttall
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