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Everything posted by ljkenny

  1. It is absolutely true, I have no reason to tell tails. I don't know any large land owners who don't do their own pest control. Besides, many of my associates who I could ask for help in finding suitable land reside in Essex, whereas I have moved to Bristol. The only people I know who shoot here do so with shotguns and only clay pidgin at that. True enough. My main issue with Stubby was his assumptions and the way in which he spoke to me. I'm not overly upset about it and I never hold a grudge, but arrogance really gets my goat. Which is fine. I had no issue with you,
  2. I'm sure you meant well, but you come across as nothing more than patronising and rude. I realise some users are just 'like that', but I'd expect a little more from a moderator. Firstly, you have no idea who I am or anything about me. You don't know who I've asked already, who's doors I've been knocking on, or who I've dressed up smart for. You'd do well not to assume in the future. Secondly, I'm not some flyby wannabe, tyre kicker or 'newbie', I've shot for the Army and at a national level for many years. I am also a holder of a shotgun certificate who regularly attends shooting
  3. Thanks for that. Although, I have a shotgun, I don't want to feed rabbits to my animals that are full of shot. I need a rifle, which I have to have a written letter of permission to obtain. That group want you to have a FAC 'prior' to shooting with them. I feel as though I'm chasing my tail a little.
  4. That's very disappointing. So how do the guys on here manage to shoot then?
  5. Was that a genuine 'good luck', or are you insinuating that my chances are minimal?
  6. Do you know of anyone who will allow me to shoot rabbits on their land in the Bristol/Gloucester/Avon area? I'm assuming there are many farmers who are infested with them and need for them to be controlled. I would like to volunteer my services, as I need the rabbits to feed my animals. Thanks in advance.
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