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work em hard

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Everything posted by work em hard

  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  2. if you want the dog back get in touch with me my mate got the dog the young lad done nowt wrong and lets have less of people phoning the police you fkin snakes your cod heads and tickle tackling leave the lad alone the dog was in good nick and the mother at least he works his dogs you arse holes cod heads cod heads
  3. I had a phonecall yesterday of a donny lad...he wasnt best pleased with golly,s owner at all...the plot thickens same ere stabba so have i leave the little lad alone or all you f*****g cod heads will get some of the dony boys
  4. put it on your dog in your back yard and have a play about simple to use pal
  5. my mate has the dog now whats all the problem can some one explain and pm me
  6. good nite again last night got piss wet though and was in a motor

    1. Ryeuken


      how you go on mate

  7. thats why we poach you deserve the police to get you if you seen us on your permission you wouldnt be complaining if we got locked up the police would be the best thing
  8. gooood morning plastic hunters



      ha! u r off your head!!!:)

  9. big head helps why ???????????????????? big heads dont make them any harder they dont bite harder i put a post up before about this but i got no intrest back they gota be game they gota be able to bite and do damage not a dog what makes noises and barks you dont see a game pitt making stupid noises bollocks to these big bullxs they should destroy everything they go on but theres a hell of a lot what dont especially in south yorkshire big heads my arse the gamest off pits were only 30 to 40 pound and looks like staffs get a grip to many big show dogs put them on there own and watch them spew
  10. lucky c**t when you inviting me out then il show you somet what you cant buy a decent dog lol lol
  11. top video mate enjoyed it people who slag it or the dog lets see theres well done
  12. nice looking dog pal dont let some idiot take it on
  13. some idiots on here



      That dog on your profile pic work em hard make s you look good lookin ,:)

    2. work em hard

      work em hard

      ha ha andy how you doin



      Sound mate ! hope my lamp ive lent you is doin the biz!!

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  14. dogs for show or dogs that go

    1. work em hard

      work em hard

      lol lol killing last nite again and sure will be tonite lol

    2. kingkeeper21


      lol where bowts you owt then matey. have a good one.

    3. kingkeeper21


      how you get on last nite mukka.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. yes is it you set of pricks thats got f**k al to do with it you computer geeks get a life and the terrier will be gamer than u c**ts will eva own arse holes
  16. has any body fished loch macaterick in straighton ayrshire i used to fish this 15 year ago my uncle run the fishing lodge
  17. ive hunting with a dogo and still do prefer the apt or the aptx any day of the week theres no wild boars round hear for us and you cant get a gamer dog than a apt pm me if you want to no about the dogo cheers
  18. rut kiss my f*****g arse im selling for a reason n owt to do with season and i work all year round so keep your coments to your self prick
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