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Everything posted by hunter1989

  1. i will add to that also veonomviper(shay) honest and very fast servise provided top man 5***** atb steve
  2. hi si spot on buddy i dont think i will ever be able to sell anything agai cause of that thanks for the kind comment si and having faith in me means alot atb steve
  3. hi lads i think we should have a feed back thread all good feedback please leave names here and the deal you done i will start davyt63-2 twink mk2 silencer delivery was fast and top man to deal with +2 andy&archie-swapped a rifle nice man good deal +1 atb steve
  4. hi all im selling my real jager scopes there 6-24x50AEIR with rangefinding ret also sunshade and flip ups there worth £360 im after £140 posted rmsd http://www.mrjaeger-optik.de/jaegerzielfernrohre5.html atb steve
  5. blind me stevo have you gave birth before atb steve
  6. hi monkey all the best matey and good luck to your partner atb steve
  7. hi lads just tryed to email the bloke again and its now says email error which im getting that means he has closed his emial account atb steve
  8. hi bill what a shame i would of liked a set for my rifle buddy, unless you would like a swap for a real pair of jager 6-24x50AO IR scopes worth £360 buddy with flip ups and mounts posted atb stve
  9. hi rog nice shooting buddy atb steve
  10. hi mikey bang on shooting buddy keep it up spa for nice shooting atb steve
  11. hi lads thanks for the donation means alot atb steve
  12. hi rog thats the nices springer i have ever seen pal atb steve
  13. hi lads just to say ive looked thou davy which is the sae as above and are very good and clear and marksman selling at a good proce grap this before it sells good luck with the sale buddy atb steve
  14. greeting earthling your be well in here when you get to no some of the regulars such as me anyways buddy any help pm me and i will help ya out atb steve
  15. hi matt thanks buddy. i takes me back to when i was reading shays(venomvipers)thread where the same thing happened and you all help his son get sorted all true gents on here no because they are helping but as they always have concern for the true people and i respect that alot thanks for the comment buddy top bloke atb steve
  16. hi matey thanks for the comment buddy the internet is full of scammers nowdays i will only buy of people on here now as we all noeach other and are all honest people atb steve
  17. you cant go an lower that what this man has done buddy total 100%scum bag
  18. hi mate i love smk my best is the x19 and 208 deadly accurate and high powered atb steve
  19. hi matey i have already rangthe police and they are on to it already thanks for the concern lads atb steve
  20. hi rossy i no it will be well looked after with(me) lol i have all my faith that it will account for lots of humane kills buddy. atb steve
  21. hi ste well paypal have said as i sent as a gift there no protection witc i should of known fist hand also the details i have of the bloke was fake apart from his email but im sure he will soon meet his match,low life scum bag as he is and for making my daughter upset just beond me atb steve
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