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Everything posted by hunter1989

  1. here what the bsa mk5 looked like when complete newer than new
  2. hi davy as for the bsa mk5 its in as new condition so im sure you will bring te m4 back to earth when you have finished the tlc you have offered to this one keep me updated pal atb steve
  3. hi buddy as long as you shoot away from the road you should be ok me and rossi_j have to permission and both are close to the road but we shoot away from the road at all times good luck with the new permission and well done for your missis getting involed in shooting atb steve
  4. hi buddy good shooting matey keep it up atb steve
  5. Hatsan are probably about the best of the cheaper new stuff but they're still not a patch on a good quality used rifle. If you buy a cheap gun new, you'll probably want to 'up grade' at some point in the fairly near future and you'll loose cash when you part-ex, sell, whatever. A used gun's already suffered depreciation so if you buy well and look after what you've bought, it'll always be worth pretty much what you've paid for it. Cheers But the Hatsan is well made and is a gun you can keep! I have one and speak from experience. I only went for a Stingray as I wanted a .177
  6. hi buddy no talking about power on here buddy atb steve
  7. hi pal class shooting atb steve
  8. hi matey i use them they are very good pellets buddy atb steve
  9. hi matey use might as well try filling with a hand bike pump as buster said no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go atb steve
  10. hi si nice shooting buddy sp from me atb steve
  11. hello pal should work as long as you leave it set up for a few days so they get use to it buddy atb steve
  12. hi stevo nice shooting buddy sp from me at steve
  13. the uk aka united kingdom aka great britian
  14. hi that's a great gun daddy i want my fac licence atb holly
  15. hi matey i think the smk market the route for you very good and powerfull rifle and great accuracy and good value for the money atb holly
  16. hi buddy nice shoot pal and very nice land i may join you soon for a shoot atb steve
  17. hi buddy a&m custom best shop in the uk can do anything you want done buddy down to customizing the nuts and bolts atb steve
  18. hi lads great write up and pics sham i couldnt make it but i will make the darts comp for sure atb steve
  19. hi bill ummmmmmmmmmmmm swap for my scopes i want these bad buddy atb steve
  20. thanks si i couldn of hit it better,i was on the bipod though would of been better if i was standing but im no where need them skills yet atb steve
  21. hi ste nice one buddy sp for great review atb steve
  22. thanks lads cant wait for the next outing friday with ste atb steve
  23. hi hunters went out with dave today and decided to hit the cricket permission we arrived around 8.00am,and got set up ready fo the rooks and crows anyways none of them fancyed a play today so we headed to the bottom of the club and i spotted a tree rat at 30yds i pulled the trigger and i had him inch perfect in the kill zone and that was his last day trespassing on our club here the pic atb steve
  24. hi buddy i didnt like any of those games the best played was on the pc hunting ulimited 2010 classa very sereal game buddy atb steve
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