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Everything posted by thedog

  1. hey weres the gaf youve booked thinking about going down to that thrumpton estates in october meself.atb
  2. thedog


    nice hh is she fully done an is this her second year shes coming into.atb
  3. thedog

    hunting days

    hunterdave thanks alot mate just gave them a ring then an iv still got time to make a booking for this year.lol,nice.please every one if u have any more place's which you know of keep posting as its always better to have more than just 1or2 numbers in our phone book,think il be making a booking at thrumster,so many thanks for the tip dave
  4. thedog

    hunting days

    o ye hopping to mainly go for rabbits,this season,
  5. thedog

    hunting days

    im flying a fhh second season but was looking good towards thy end of last season,an when i say looking good towards thy end,i never got her till late on,an is this highlandhawking thy only place were us falconers can do this.lol.it happens to be thy only place i found myself,any othyer ideas from any one,just looking now to save time.an still wont be going untill shes got a anouth kills under her belt anyways.cheers
  6. thedog

    hunting days

    forgot to say,for after september when the season kicks in.lol
  7. thedog

    hunting days

    hi every one, just wondering if anyone knows of falconry weekends/people with land were i can take my own bird to hunt with for a weekend or what not,searching every were for a place but with no joy,thanks to all who replay
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