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About scraggoak

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    Fishing and Shooting, woodworking, music

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  1. I have a holiday home in france and hunt with the chasse without passing an exam, i went to the federation de chasse in my area, took my european firearms pass, certificate of insurance and firearms license, paid around £150 and my permit arrived in the post, joined my local group of hunters, £40 per year, then i pay £5 for breakfast and lunch each time i shoot. We start shooting Boar in mid September and the Deer starts mid January. Photo of my first Boar.
  2. Hi Sussex, i have built a hoist on the front of the quad, makes life much easier, for me the hardest part is getting them on the chiller rail on my own,
  3. Well Done Sussex, glad you got him a beast, it made his journey worthwhile, i must do better. cheers Geoff.
  4. The reason guides like to take novice stalkers out is the look on their faces when they shoot there first deer, its priceless.
  5. https://www.thestalkingdirectory.co.uk/showthread.php/17061-Registering-a-Quad-for-Agricultural-use-on-a-Q-Plate This is how to go about it, cheers Geoff
  6. I Spend time in the Correze and frequently carry firearms, when i arrive at Dover i drive strait to the customs office and declare that i am carrying firearms, they check the the guns against my EFP, once the check is over they stick a label on the windscreen and also inform the ferry company that i am on my way, at the terminal i hand over my passport reservation details and a declaration of firearms carried with amounts of ammunition, this form is one that i copied from a previous trip. the ferry company sticks a code 100 label on my screen and after i have parked up on the ferry the deck h
  7. Hi I shoot a .45 cal replica Hawkins Plains rifle and find it accurate out to around 120 yards using using a .44 lead ball and patch lubricated using Nivea hand cream as it is less prone to viscosity changes than other lubes. i can usually hit a six inch circle at 100 yards and would be happy to take boiler room shots on say Fallow out to around eighty yards, and it would have plenty of knock down power at that range, I know there is a black powder season in the usa but i think you would struggle to legally use it in the uk, Cheers Geoff
  8. A Weekend with Mr Clumsy Friday morning saw me loading the car for a weekend with Owen aka the Stalker With Guns, fishing gear, the dog, the wife, on board we headed west to Somerset arriving around 2pm. We sat for a hour chatting then Owen served up a lovely shepherds pie and baked cauliflower. At 5.30 pm we made our way to one of his permissions and I had the pleasure of sitting in Owens new High seat, I climbed up and made myself comfortable and I must say it was a real pleasure to sit on my own and watch the world go by. I spotted two Roe in the distance then my attention was dra
  9. Hi foxdropper i cant say i have seen any signs of the shedding as yet, cheers Geoff
  10. Yesterday i had the pleasure to accompany Ali for the last stalk of the season. With the Fallow does heavily pregnant we have decided to end our season and give them some peace and quiet, Robin had received a call from one of our landowners to say that a group of fallow have been visiting one of their fields on a regular basis so we decided to arrive early and instead of walking straight to the highseat approach it from the woodland behind the seat so as not to make them aware of our presence. We sat for some time talking very quietly and it was not long before a fallow doe trotted out to the
  11. I am glad Geoff took me to a place where the Fallow are clean and healthy to shoot my Buck Rich lol .Mind you i think it was a fluke i saw and Grassed one in Sussex. Utter Nonsense, it was down to the skill and knowledge of the guide, mind you i am just about to leave this morning, and the forecast is awful sw gale 8 wind and rain, if we get one today it will definitely be a fluke. cheers Geoff.
  12. Hi Rich, We have shot a good few fallow this season probably not far from you and have not seen one with liver fluke, had the odd one with a few ticks but nothing unusual cheers Geoff
  13. yes Walshie is quiet right, http://www.thedeerinitiative.co.uk/uploads/guides/91.pdf
  14. For anyone interested, Just a heads up to let you know that Plumpton Colledge are running a one day venison Butchery Course on the 11th of November. Cheers Geoff http://foodfarmingforestry.co.uk/agendas/venison-butchery-1day.pdf
  15. Hi timmy k You keep your questions coming and if it pisses people off that's tough, the only way to learn is by asking questions, i know you would rather get some stalking under your belt before doing dsc1, but if you know anybody who has done the course ask to borrow the course notes and if you can find a copy of deer quest which you can load on to your computer you will find a lot of good info which will probably answer a lot of your questions,
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