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About doglady

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 19/01/1981

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  • Interests
    hunting, shooting and fishing.
  1. you ugly fat tramp you better leave my jenski alone or you will have me to answer to. whats up didnt you get placed when she was judging or something??? come and have a go at me! mrs A.R.D

  2. doglady your a ares hole

  3. i know what your saying and sure it happens,but it aint the end of the world,i dont show dogs but its part of the fun seeing how serious some folk take the shows, we always went for the glad i dont go these days. It's a shame for all the folk who have travelled and paid to get into the event, surely they deserve a fair crack of the whip. I've seen the judging at the lurcherworld events myself on a few occasions. The last show i attended ( didn't take the dogs) i was telling the mrs which person (not dog!!!) was going to win... With Mally on this one, I did the same today. I c
  4. every judge has to start somewhere and i think its good that you have the balls to get up and do it. so what if you havnt had working dogs for very long because you grew up with me. Doglady should take another look at my profile, thats what turbotykes been around for years. so just leave her alone and let her do her thing. i know shes your sister and im not trying to be rude everyones entitled to there own opinon. your a judge so you should know what i mean. i just dont think someone of 23years can be qualified enough to tell some one there dog is better than anyone elces. some people who
  5. i know what your saying and sure it happens,but it aint the end of the world,i dont show dogs but its part of the fun seeing how serious some folk take the shows, we always went for the glad i dont go these days. It's a shame for all the folk who have travelled and paid to get into the event, surely they deserve a fair crack of the whip. I've seen the judging at the lurcherworld events myself on a few occasions. The last show i attended ( didn't take the dogs) i was telling the mrs which person (not dog!!!) was going to win... With Mally on this one, I did the same today. I c
  6. its all about the money! trophys=cash, through breeding, stud dogs etc then theres the winnings at some shows.
  7. isnt it correct that the bullx that won belonged to one of your members?
  8. every judge has to start somewhere and i think its good that you have the balls to get up and do it. so what if you havnt had working dogs for very long because you grew up with me. Doglady should take another look at my profile, thats what turbotykes been around for years. so just leave her alone and let her do her thing. i know shes your sister and im not trying to be rude everyones entitled to there own opinon. your a judge so you should know what i mean. i just dont think someone of 23years can be qualified enough to tell some one there dog is better than anyone elces. some people who
  9. do you know me no i suppose not seen as iv grown up with working dogs all my life and own working dogs i think there is a green eyed monster out there if you dont know me then dont slag me off thank you Firstly id squeeze that black head on your chin.. iv seen you at the shows before. your not the only one who grew up around working dogs you know 90% of people on here have but that doesnt make us experts and isnt that really what a judge should show?, a bit of expertise. so what makes you so qualified? How long have you personaly owned working dogs? what extent of knowledge have you got ab
  10. i went to the lurcherworld show at thorsby and it was a load of rubbish. the terrier judge was shocking and then to my amazment the same person was judging the lurchers the next day. you should get some propper judges for the shows and the support mite grow instead of geting some jumped up bird with no experiance of working dogs.
  11. bored bored bored.

  12. I have also spent a lot of time living in different areas, with different groups of people, including the better part of a year living in Bute Town in cardiff which is something like 90% Somali. My point was that being involved in peoples lives, working with them to try and sort things out, you actually see the conflicts and contradictions, whereas just looking from the outside with an extremely prejudiced, pre-existing racist mindset . . . . . i just don't think you will ever see how backwards your racism really is. well said pal
  13. feking rasists! dont you realise your part of a minority yourselfs? hunters come in all shapes sizes creeds and colours. all you rasists sicken me. im glad the country aint run by bloody idiots like yourselfs
  14. every year mate! you would only regret it if you didnt get em done and they caught something.
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