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Everything posted by jetro

  1. jetro


    On fresh crusty bread rolls, with Marie rose sause. Atb j
  2. Slow cooker indian curry ??(6.5 litre s,c used) . . . Spicy Chicken & Spinach Curry Ingredients: 8 chicken thighs boned & skinned 1 large onion sliced 1 pk of mushrooms chopped 4 tomatoes chopped 150g spinach 1 tin of chopped tomatoes 500 mls of passata sauce 8 green chillies sliced lengthways Chopped coriander 5 garlic cloves chopped 1 thumb size ginger chopped 1 tablespoon of mustard powder ½ teaspoon of crushed peppercorns 1 teaspoon of pink rock salt 1 tablespoon of paprika 1 tablespoon of cumin 1 tablespoon of coriand
  3. jetro


    26 a kg this week, 20 a kg of shrimp, cut crab 3.50 a kg and crab for cooking 1.80 a kg. Bloody scandalous Atb j
  4. jetro


    I wouldn't know about sid Over here there in the super value super markets Atb j
  5. My daughter's due to have a baby on the 27th of next month. Good luck to you and your missus with the on coming baby Atb j
  6. ? Every man should be able to fend for themselves in the kitchen Atb j
  7. Well if your comfy in you chair, I can think of worst ways go LOL. Same here in reguards to the dinner. My daughter is fairly unwell at the moment, with daily hospital visits, any were 60 miles away, plus she has to be in all over Christmas as well. My wife brings her in, and I'm baby sitting our granddaughter. Christmas dinner this year will be, kinda every man for themselves. I'll cook a 8kg ham on the 23th, and a boned and rolled turkey on the 24th with a big tray of homemade stuffing. Plenty of fresh bread and sauses and dips, they'll be fine. That's the plan
  8. jetro


    Huge oyster beds just a mile over the road from me, plus scallop beds. Atb j
  9. jetro


    Spain is our biggest buyer, For the time being anyway LOL Atb j
  10. Out of likes ? For me, it's much the same, meat, cheeses and pickled onions, figs and dates. Not too pushed about the desserts. Atb j
  11. jetro


    I think is 30 Euro a kg here, to buy live lobster in the super market, Atb j
  12. jetro


    The body meat can be a bit strong, compared to the claws. Atb j
  13. Daughter got thst Disney + app for the tv. Seen all the pirate of the Caribbean on there. That's me sorted for a week or so LOL Atb j
  14. Really, Iv cooked most if not all of my meals since my teens Atb j
  15. Used to do a big spread years ago. Spent two or possibly three day prepping, for it all to be done with in 20 mins on the day. Not anymore, just a simple dinner with a bit extra, that's it . Atb j
  16. Yeah, have to say I was disappointed, not one if their finest productions imo. You could have a differant opinion Atb j
  17. jetro


    Anyone eat limptis, barnacles, lovely in a soup, as well as razor clams, tastes like squid. Atb j
  18. jetro


    I think lobster is the most over rated shellfish going. Crab meat is way ahead for flavour and texture imo Atb j
  19. And to you and yours Arry Atb j
  20. jetro

    Roasting spit

    Thanks Greyman I'll look them up Atb j
  21. jetro


    You should try them raw, a sweet, creamy salty texture, very nice espically since their that fresh Atb j
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