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Everything posted by jetro

  1. I remember that happening,frightening. Atb j
  2. Also, I know it's a terrible thing I'm going to say, but I'm surprised that they haven't up their level of terror campaigns yet, more violent attacks, bombings shootings ect ect,which I truly hope they don't,. Is that what's it's going to take for governments to take a stand Atb j
  3. I wonder if it was white, Christian, europan nut jobs committing crimes like these, for some reason, would the courts and government be as easy going on them. Atb j
  4. He has more rights than you, me, or the victim's. Atb j
  5. Sadly not surprised, if feel sorry for the victims, hope no one seriously hurt. Atb j
  6. Looking good, I do love jalapeno and cheese flavoured foods. My missus make me lovely scones with jalapenos, cheese and chizrio. Lovely on a bad day with tomatoe soup. Atb j
  7. T'was a month before Christmas, And all through the town, People wore masks, That covered their frown. The frown had begun Way back in the Spring, When a global pandemic Changed everything. They called it corona, But unlike the beer, It didn’t bring good times, It didn’t bring cheer. Contagious and deadly, This virus spread fast, Like a wildfire that starts When fueled by gas. Airplanes were grounded, Travel was banned. Borders were closed Across air, sea and land. As the world entered lockdown To flatten the curve, The economy halted,
  8. I like watching the Christmas specials, the likes of, all creatures great and small, heartbeat, still game ect ect. The old ones. Atb j
  9. So looking forward to the beaver evictions LOL. Can you run coyotes with lurchers over there Ted. Atb j
  10. Found it very good as well. Tough lads, Atb j
  11. The cheap kind as well ???? Atb j
  12. That or go hungry, the were vile looking, kinda warm brain matter.. After the tow, prawns and monk tails lol. Atb j
  13. I was working on a boat years ago. The lad I was with said he'd cook during the tow. Boiled burgers, grey wobbley slabs on a plate with cold fat around them. Still ate them, Atb j
  14. Lol, He'd do more than weep after eating this muck Atb j
  15. I'm sure theirs some on here who have eaten worse, I know I have once or twice lol Atb j
  16. How big are these compared to the red deer here Atb j
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