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About nathans

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  1. hi just an update well i have had her here since she has perked right up playful and all thanks for all the advice i think it was bullying she hasnt got any poo or wee on her since and she is playing with my other ferrets she is now in her own cage and looks chuffed i will keep hold of her for a little while and see how she does nathan
  2. i am going to look after it for a few days and see what it is she may not of rolled in poo he may have done it
  3. no she is out of season i wormed her today as well i am wondering if the male is bullying her
  4. hi just looked at a friends ferret i am wondering if anyone has some advice the ferret is female and not done she has lost wieght really fast there is some baldness and she is rolling in her own poo and pee she is with a male ferret that has been done they have been together for about 2 months
  5. rang them both today told them will be there at weekend thanks everyone probably will lay some snares during the weekend as well in the hard to get places got a couple of friends with me this weekend so should make life a bit easier
  6. thanks for the replies let me explain a bit better i picked up three farms this month so i have some permissions for the season all 3 said no shooting as they have had problems before ( beside i dont shot anyway) one farm is having some issues with two sets. one set is around an oak tree hardly any undergrowth there but they are damaging the tree and some crop near it. the other set is in the corner of a field in the hedgerow that is next to the road again damaging crops. i have looked them both over and i dont think they would be hard to do. if i do them then i get to do the w
  7. hi got a couple of permissions asking me to rabbit at the weekend not sure about it as i have only done it on r months but dont want to lose the permissions also i have only ever used ferrets never used traps nor guns so question is do the job and keep the 300 acres worth of permissions or not do them and risk losing the permissions i have long nets purse nets and 3 ferrets plus 2 dogs so what do you think
  8. now he really liked what you gave him licking his chops like that lol
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