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  1. Think I know the chap you talking about ;-) He had lurchers all his life not just the 2 years u knew him. The platts dog is not cow hocked to feck - when standing appears slightly cow hocked now and again but walks and runs fine. the dog is fast as feck with huge stamina and keen as mustard. hes holding back for the moment as dog is a bit imature still (only a year ish old) and not want to ruin it. catching plenty of rab and birds in the SMALL fields no problem. he not out much over last year or so due to circumstances but starting to do a bit more this season. sucked in the by the h
  2. Cracking looking dog, what mix cross?
  3. we're near st.austell too - roche getting her trained up for lamping rabbits in the new year when shes old enough/ready coming on really well at the minute and caught her first last week
  4. Heres my bedd/whippet/grey . shes 7 months old where too in cornwall you from ? Cheers
  5. 6 & 1/2 Month old Beddy whippet greyhound
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