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About dj-sy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 17/08/1984

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    rotherham south yorkshire
  • Interests
  1. i live in rotherham now used to live at great yarmouth ant been on here for ages so ant changed my details yet lol
  2. i do come to norfold alot got family up there mate
  3. anyone know anyone i can speak to about abit of permission for dog and air rifle
  4. anyone from south yorkshire know anyone i could speak to about getting abit of permission with dog and air rifle thanks
  5. cheers for info matey think ill just run her on open feilds then away from trees lol
  6. sorry to hear about your loss mate i have just bought one so was just asking ppl on here as i have never used them
  7. lol nice one mate just got one and was just wondering what they was like
  8. hello not been on here for a while was just wondering has anyone ever worked irish greyhounds and what there like thankyou
  9. got a bull x bitch good out on walks she is brindle just only getting rid due to moving house and where i am moving to they wont allow me to have 2 dogs 50 pound if your intrested pm me she is 8 month old
  10. thanks for replys lads atb sy
  11. hello took my dog out last night and hes cut half his pad of its not on his paw its the pad that is on back of leg is it best to leave it open or put some anticeptic spray on it and put a bandage on it cos he wont stop licking it
  12. nice bag there lads good quality video as well atb sy
  13. i would put this on the wanted section mate shud get some replys on there hope you find the dog your looking for mate atb sy
  14. it will be a con mate i get them all the time its people wanting your bank details so they can scam your account when money goes into it
  15. ive got 2 broken ribs i did mine ages ago when some blokes jumped me and i still have pain from them even when they heal mate it will feel like u got stitch when u run
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