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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. just out in time when they say that so many more billion is to be cut and half of it from the benefits bill lol this country is well and truly f****d now people only need to watch an hour long programme and its job done for them at the top lol while there frittering away millions each unbelievable
  2. i will be there but no fishing big man
  3. Is that Bobby who got the chocolate pups for sale on gum tree pet homes lol ? Not speaking out of tune gar but they must have been Chile peppers 'coz he does fuckall seems a bit silly slagging someone off on here when you know he dont come on anymore ...... Ain't said fuckall I wouldn't say in person so why post in on here he wont be on to read it and most of us dont give a fook To be honest I don't give a f**k either just telling the truth so if thats how he is what does it matter to people on here if thats the case peoplde that know and been ou
  4. And we have no say in who comes lol who are the people running the country supposed to be working for ? Seems there replacing us before we replace them
  5. Scumbags Hope you lad gets the dog back tilf Glad the bitch back where she belongs
  6. Just seen a fox in middle of Derby city centre n its front legs were f****d both of them at the wrists it looked in reasonable health but a terrier could of caught it poor thing didn't know which way to turn now these anti idiots would rather that fox suffer like that than a did put it out of its misery phases me right off
  7. Didn't feckin won't that shit Scottish crappy anyway you barstards ( whistle) little bit left at the comp thought I ain't gonna like that then what did I taste or was it the smoked fish lol
  8. Iv uses this food and plan to again alongside raw and think its one of the best feeds around no huge smelly shits etc
  9. fascinating guys keep them coming. and to think these scumbags want to ban any form of hunting but who would be putting these poor suffering animals to sleep ? no one they would be left to die in agony as theres no predators to take them here
  10. Any dog food suppliers in south derbyshire east staffordshire area ? Thinking of starting a bit of part time doing it as can get loads of chicken wings carcasses things like that just seeing if their us a demand out there ?
  11. Count me in Jim I thought I'd hate it but was very surprised how nice it was and the smokies
  12. Yeah agree with belucky get onto dogs lost council rspca etc hope you get the dog back where it belongs mate
  13. Looks like you been putting some footprints in the mud guys keep it going lads never know when you won't be able to atb
  14. They say a picture paint a thousand words. Cheers for sharing Scot
  15. Hard decision to make but some people leave it too long which isn't fair on their dogs. You will know when its time mate
  16. Is there any predominantly white English areas in London left ?
  17. Someone I know was walking their dogs sown a canal path early tea time and lurcher chased a cat into the estate and killed it in front of its owner there was someone there who knew the dog owner it was in the local paper that a 10th0 pound cat had been killed by a vicious dog they heard forging and they had a lamp on them at the time
  18. It will affect him mote gnasher lol he ain't got millions in the bank has he or best doctors in the world looking after him ? Bit get what your saying
  19. Stop the f****n love in get arguing lol
  20. Good luck mate in same boat but lent my locator to someone that was supposed to gel the dog start and me but lol ah well you learn from your mistakes good luck if your genuine.
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