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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. she is mate very clever as well picks things up so easy
  2. cheers jim its a bitch mate lol she 8 weeks she bullx / deerhound lurcherx with a bit of saluki in for good luck lol but I think another bullx got on the dam lol anyway THLpatrick gave her to me but I sort him out for her when he comes down for a night out and im over the moon with her so cheers paddy and thanks again bosun for sorting it out
  3. her mate lol get yerself over in couple weeks jim come on bus if you not back on rd or I come over yours for day
  4. figured how to do it now mate because im on a windows comp not my imac
  5. over the moon with her 8 weeks old
  6. this my pup that THLpatrick gave me
  7. jim can you put them picks up you seen on other site for me
  8. be best thing a young brit can do with himself that good luck to him mate
  9. truther said it better than I could. They don't want education standards too high for the majority and its not just education its the social structure you were raised in as well in my opinion.
  10. that is something most people would agree and if it wasn't for the massive levels of migration and I know all countries, societies whatever suffer from corruption but places like Africa, south America get there own house in order then think most people would actively support it but it cant all be give give give and please don't come up with anything to do with the f****n empire and ccolonialism lol
  11. BGD what would happen to Europe if there were free movement no borders and everyone who wanted from Africa Asia even south America as there is plenty of them already here decided as there's no borders we will just turn up in Europe ? would European countries continue as they are now? or get better? more prosperous. better workers rights, pay and conditions? or would the whole system collapse and be even worse for the countries the migrants flooded from with no foreign aid no medicine sans frontiers. red cross etc. no medical companies producing drugs that western countries pay for the 3rd wor
  12. sorry mate I am lol , come and have a dig with me and I'll promise you'll forget about that by the end of the day ! buy the breakfast and that might just do it mate lol defo up for that mate just let us know when in season pal an breakfast on me
  13. shite didn't know you were a gypo marshman I have to change my opinion of you now "don't like you now" lol
  14. think about it all the upheaval of separation ? we are an island thankfully separated a bit from the mainland if scotlaand voted to go they woud of crawled to Brussels then the dictators there would have a foothold in this island then theres the history military importance etc and why is it that Scotland gives free university education to eu nationals but not English welsh or n.irish ?
  15. border you saying the scots had no involvement in the BRITISH EMPIRE? simple yes or no please
  16. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/tunis-museum-shooting-moroccan-man-arrested-in-connection-with-attack-after-allegedly-travelling-to-italy-on-board-migrant-boat-10263466.html
  17. well lets hope the ban gets lifted as I picked a awesome little pup up off thlpatrick dearhound-lurcherxbullx and don't want to get in trouble if when shes older she accidently chases and catches one
  18. Good luck to fury Hope he comes bsck with the belt
  19. agree with above posts dogs bred for a purpose need exercise different thn a traditional family pet but not just physically they need mental stimulation as well and at least your are on here trying give the dog a better life
  20. glad you got the dogs bak mate I like to know and If possible how the dogs readjust back to being where and what they should be. But no one would blame you for giving up now you got the dogs back but I for one hope they are held to account how they treated the dogs and you
  21. can only get worse for white people as were goingfrom 30% of world population to 8% in a hundred years now were being outbred in our own homelands what a waste of life those killed on both sides of the war
  22. Thats just it what forces were at play to push a normal western people to go that far?
  23. I think some people are getting confused I for one am not condoning what the germans did just putting another version for people to make their own minds look into it more
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