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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. There's deerhound in it. It's probably jacked already ahh don't tell me that gaz lol
  2. cheers guys she a proper little character just starting to realise that her legs are to run with lol
  3. http://putlocker.is/featured/1 not a very good film either though
  4. few pics to update THLpatrick on the pup think she 13 weeks there abouts coming on great real clever great recall etc
  5. fook me wilf is there anyjobs over there aint bothered about the wage as long as its enough to get by
  6. the whole of Europe will erupt into violence like there was in former Yugoslavia anyone who cant see that happening is not looking at the whole picture properly
  7. seen a few videos of romaians dressing and cting loike pakis and muslim getting caught out begging
  8. im a villa fan but got to admire Swansea and Southampton past few years Newcastle used to everybody second team under keagan
  9. good news then fella hope you have a god winter with him
  10. what happened to that other dog gaz?
  11. least there was no current to drag him off for few hours then lol
  12. wonder what buck going over a nice racy deerhound lurcher a good 26/27" but real racy reckon you would have a dog for a certain quarry there lol
  13. they really are experimenting of how to destroy a country without using an army or bombs http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7e1_1439118517
  14. Same mould as the establishment is it any wonder they are not bothered who comes into the country?
  15. Surprised this country hasn't fell to pieces or ever became a first world country lol these robotic foreigner's that don't even need a break are that good but there countries they came from are shitholes? and have to come here to make a better life for themselves. Also there crafty b*****ds know loads of people that say the same when the bosses are about graft like fook but only when they are about lol
  16. forget that might get framed for some terror attack lol
  17. hope it turns out ok for you both mate looks a great wee dog
  18. Oh how did we last so long without Poles plowing fields,Pakis driving taxis and Africans offering us aftershave in club toilets. We had British people doing those jobs. needs, you and I share some views, but I think the bigger problem is the rot within our own society. The generation of lazy who think welfare is a way of life, the whites who turn a blind eye to child abuse, the communities who allow themselves to be destroyed, these are the bigger problems. The lack of national identity. a lot is to do with our society but a lot is to do with simple economics. A brittish person with a kid o
  19. also how bad is it that the tolerance and opportunities afforded them by us are chucked back in our faces and now theres that many of them they can hold us to ransom
  20. Oh how did we last so long without Poles plowing fields,Pakis driving taxis and Africans offering us aftershave in club toilets. We had British people doing those jobs. needs, you and I share some views, but I think the bigger problem is the rot within our own society. The generation of lazy who think welfare is a way of life, the whites who turn a blind eye to child abuse, the communities who allow themselves to be destroyed, these are the bigger problems. The lack of national identity. As I read a quote somewhere "A people who have forgotten their past have no future"
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