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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. literally http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bfe_1444752005
  2. greatest part of owning a working dog when all of a sudden it happens whether runner or other that first catch is always the best
  3. I worked one for a few seasons didn't chuck a lot of stuff at it but that thing would tackle anything he was a pleasure to look after bought him up from about 9months as a lurcher surprising stamina as well
  4. get yourself that merle pup mate there all nice but that's a belter that
  5. another awesome bit of British engineering the airfix
  6. anyone interested in a bit of recentish info on the f35 ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtZNBkKdO5U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyHlp7tJrxY
  7. what was the latest model/upgrade of the tornado ? when they due to retire any idea mate? they seem to be around a long time to me for some reason I think of them as bit old, that's not say I don't think they served the RAF well and the pilots seem to love them. It seems they are finally ironing out the f35 problems out maybe we will get a plane to match them big tubs just a shame they didn't put arrester wires on I think EDIT just seen you put last 30/40 years lol
  8. how they cant save these british icons is beyond belief.Now theres a plane as well the mozy wow but got to be one of my favourite modern planes with the typhoon is the A10
  9. They wouldn't be paid the huge sums they get if they didn't bring in that much and more to the club, it's basic business you only get paid what you're worth (usually a lot less). you do realise what you just said didn't you?
  10. is that ovill mcenzie from derby? anyone seen any Neville brown fights live? another fighter from near derby grew up in same street as a little kid as him fought a great fight v steve collins
  11. it becomes who got the best drug dealer then
  12. give a good few hours of enjoyment will that guys
  13. I don't like the flak that you semm to get on here but that just does it for me ITS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT aint it ? any excuse ?
  14. that was a quick injury and diagnosis wasn't it? Anyone know the timeframe from the press conference to this happening? well brooky was right about ONE thing lol
  15. no way is he the age he says lol hope he wins though but should show the champ more respect he done 10 times more than fury and everyone he knows put together in boxing so wont get many fans acting like that but again I do hope he wins and it aint a boring fight
  16. this post also in keeping you have heard some of the things this so called woman has said right?
  17. should be Jerusalem but but the scots one is ONE of the most inspiring if that's what you want call it
  18. Is that you in the vid? Only reason I asked is I would be pissy if someone encouraged me dog to jump a fence. no mate that's the neighbour I didn't believe him when he told me she was jumping over and he got few problems mentally so don't want to be unnecessary harsh on him but he knows not to do that now but it will be something else tomorrow when new panels are up lol
  19. that the first time I seen her lol she was after the rabbits so don't want to scold her for that lol new panels going in now
  20. don't know how true it is but there is a lot of scientists saying I think the Danube valley were the earliest civilisation now?
  21. the neighbour been round the pup keeps jumping the fence chasing the rabbits everytime he puts her back she jumps back over after them lol https://youtu.be/ao8lN8KWwfM
  22. So you get pictures and evidence............. but then ask different questions .......that can go on forever mate ! When aeroplanes are driven into solid buildings at 500 mph i think its probably safe to say that not everything is going to have a nice simple explanation......i mean what do engines look like under those conditions i dont know ? come on gnash that is not a passenger jet wreckage to me anyway lol
  23. compare that wreckage to any other large jet liner then tell me lol that was the biggest piece they found I think lol where is the engines ?
  24. How can people of been identified if no bodyparts were found ? We,ve seen footage of the Pentagon getting hit ? 9 hijackers still alive....where are they ? what have they said ? I dont buy it mate......when something has never happened like that before theres no guide book for how it should go down im no engineer but having spoken to a few who have said that based on the info theres no reason the sequence of events wouldnt of gone off just how it did i dont see any real reason to question it. seriously gnash where is the footage of of boeing passenger lane actually hitting the penta
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