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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. sure this is the one that's in porn films totally unshaven lol
  2. What about Islamic colonisation of Africa DB?
  3. Any party that wants to put the people of this country first but if brexit doesn't go as how people voted for thenukip could come back even stronger. I think you got people wrong in my view anyway, we voted for ukip to get the referendum and to put immigration at the top of the people's wishes now just think how the politics of the country regarding immigration have changed from 15/even 10 years ago anyone who dared question it was shot down
  4. Don't think you get it ukip achieved what it set out to do its in the name
  5. Maybe if they still had farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa that could make the most out of the land it wouldn't be quite as bad as it is? Not just charities but aid and loans that have gone in to Africa the past 50 years hasn't made a difference then I don't think we can help THEY have got to change something their end. Don't know how true it is but the population of Africa has gone from 100m to a billion in under a century ?
  6. They want to come here as it's a free for all do what you like and get away with it if your not a native Brit. In an ideal world (forme) it would be somewhere between where we are now and Putins Russia
  7. Idi Amin could take a leaf out of his book?
  8. Anyone see the police commissioner press conference? Seemed more worried how the Muslim community are feeling and about right wing extremists lol couldn't make this shite up. RIPto the victims
  9. It's hard enough to buy a good pup never mind being gifted one so as long as the breeder don't just sell to the first person who turns up I don't see no problem else how are people such as myself supposed to get back into it ?
  10. Absolutely right today theres as much importance on image as there is on throwing a decent left hook !.....i think back to good fighters like Mark Kaylor or Dennis Andries they were shy timid lads with absolutely nil personality or confidence in their own voice they would be left behind in todays market which is a terrible shame for sport in general. what a fight Christie v kaylor was eh gnash
  11. i thought that when seen it this morning
  12. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/uk/722707/Calais-Jungle-child-migrants-UK-adults-pretending/amp
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/moment-armed-police-balaclavas-swooped-9962287.amp
  14. One of the so called child migrants has been arrested but one newspaper doesn't want you to recognise him lol https://www.google.com/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4279532/amp/Police-balaclavas-swoop-four-suspects-Poole.html
  15. Seen yesterday armed police arrest 4 men (for whatever reason I don't know yet) and guess who one of them was ? One of the child migrants from Calais lol
  16. Think the program he on about is sub Saharan Africans in Libya? Yes to see another human suffering is bad and sometimes hard to watch but Europe can't help a billion Africans a billion Asians and any other that wants to rock up here uninvited now would I do the same as them if situation was reversed? Yes ? And would they do all they can to keep us out ? Course they would
  17. Thanks for contributing so much to the forum Fuji and sharing your forays and pics I certainly will miss them ATB
  18. Now These liberals and the previous president wouldn't do a thing like that?would they? Lol
  19. Keep her collared up now pal she got to know what fun can be had lol
  20. That bitch n every person responsible for his release should pay that compensation back and stand trial in Iraq for helping a terror attack
  21. I know its nice to know but if you was that bothered about her exact breeding you wouldnt of took a rescue ao fair play i think we all should rescue a dog once in our lives even though i got bit im the arse for doing so
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