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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. nice pup just got a russell pup meself
  2. just a quick pic of my new pup wanted a lakey or patt but will be getting another terrier when i move so will get one of those then it will only be used for ratting and rabbiting. He cant stop ragging things he goes round trying to shake the life out of everything already and he keeps trying for the big well i call him a (staff) he thinks its a game walking round with a tiny pup attached to his rope lol
  3. thats a good haul there how many dogs you use just the 2 im just got a pup russel to start getting back into it as used to go all the time in my early teens will be getting another dog hopefully a good patt or lakey to work with him and poss a small lurcher i want but what i want and get are 2 different things any pointers to good ratting sites or good tips as i will be very rusty when i do go again cheers
  4. co chise if IF it dont live up to standard below ground id love him to join me ratting mate but doubt it as you said he has got signs of working all the best with him fella he certainly looks the part
  5. they all come up when you havent got the spare cash atb with the sale
  6. is that hilton in derbyshire in your username
  7. this dog looks good great proportions looks well strong i would of had him but got a j r puo 2 days ago atb with sale
  8. good luck with the sale mate this is the gun i had my heart set on but bought a s300 off here well happy with it but i do like the s200 very much
  9. awesome setup that stock is amazing the first pic you can see the leef detail in the light good luck with sale mate
  10. thats good glad it will be in good hands now so now take her to the dogs home n flush the bog wog back to africa
  11. morgz im from east staffs/south derbys/leicester border down the a38 from derby
  12. cheers guys some awesome advice their i shall be using it and do my best to keep us air gunners in good light
  13. hi guys got myself an s300 of a good guy off here.Anyway not got myself any permission yet but live on relatively the edge of town anyway thers a golf colf not too far away so took the dog out for a walk again and decided to head that way. When i got there i seen about 8/9 rabbits around the place and half of them was absolutely huge and fast as f**k more like hares though they werent and thats was between 7/8 at night with golfers about not many but a few on the fairways so i imagine there will be a lot more at night also there was hundreds of pigeon crows magpies everywhere you look there wa
  14. good luck with sale after a good terrier pup myself but they all seem to be up north not many in midlands
  15. cruel bitch hope she gets left on her own after the dog goes
  16. great shooting great write up mr p.lonker next time some anti sticks his nose in to me im gonna say i know you youve spoken to me before your names mr p.lonker lol
  17. do they know what a football is lol
  18. rossy you f****r you told me lies you said the gun was acurate its better than that mate its a f****n beaut bud pleasure doin buisness would do again in a flash also you pull a good pint mate thanks for the beer i tx you sort that few whats left mate atb raf cheers
  19. hope he gets her back mate nothing worse than not knowing if their ok or still alive hope it turns out alright i never want to lose a dog again after the one i lost atb
  20. they can certainly move and and their a good example of the breed put some pics up of them hunting in the barns who cares what they are if they have got it in them then all the best better than prancing round looking like fairies in shows n the bulls they some nice dogs judge you are right their myfriend i like the way you answered that instead of being the big know it all and telling people things that if they dont know now never will need to
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