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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. no you wont get this piss ripped on this part of forum this is the best one out of them happy hunting dont be afraid to ask any questions some good guys on here
  2. that made me laugh daveo thats all you can ask of them mate
  3. thats what its all about lamper do onto others as you would expect them do to you or somet like that hope yoo never need the favour doing your way mate
  4. hope the rest of pups keep ok cant wait till im able to get this type of dog and if i get ote half as good as those parents will be well happy
  5. thats awesome would like to see a close up of that fooker
  6. good gesture that is mate im just getting back into it like and to start from scratch all over again is taking a long time nearly got all me air rifle field kit just need my own air bottle/pump and got myself a russel pup which hopefully will be good to go next season
  7. stick at it lad i was gonna go to agricultural college well i didnt and im now just turned 29 and its too late and really trying to get back into it but as i havent been around the scene for over 10 years know nobody at all keep trying you will get there in the end
  8. depends what bull that was used i suppose but some of these pics of them look mighty fine to me i would love to put my dog over a whippet bitch as hes catching rabbits now and again his self he got good stamina as well retrieved 2 foxes now omly just about to turn 1 strength is unbelievable not felt a dog like him before and you wouldnt lose too much height either probably none might even gain a bit
  9. i get a lot from the local paki butchers most of them give it you but i always chuck a couple quid there way or put some in the charity boxes they have you get no end of chicken carcasses necks hearts liver and theres plenty in derby as im only down the a 38 a bit from you best days to go are thurs/fri mate
  10. my new russ pup absolutely loves raw food he tries to eat rabbits whole chicken necks/backs loves em and pigeon breast he likes them that much had to nip his food aggression towards the big dog in the bud
  11. cant load a proper one showing how well he proportioned hes a fiery little fooker already trying to kill everything he gets dragged round on the end of the big dogs rope all day we had to call him ripper cus thats all he does to his toys already only just turned 8 weeks
  12. some really well proportioned dogs on here some resemble little pitbulls bet there as game as well by the looks of some
  13. get your solicitor to make sure that there is any proof of damage and see where you stand as nothing was said when it happened so its your word against theres hopefully ATBmate
  14. hi guys very interesting my russel pup just turned 8 weeks so will need to be innoc soon just wondering is it a lot more economical or is it just save the hassle and take him to the vets also people mention that some vaccines aint got no anti lepto in them but will need that for my dog so is there any specific vaccine that i should be asking for had dogs all my lif but just thought the vets always knew best but then noticed sometimes some take a short cut others take unneccesary steps not all but have noticed it done cheers
  15. my dog has started having problems with one of his eyes he has started to get a bit of swelling under 1 which then makes his eyelid turn slightly in causing his eyelash to irritate his eye causing gunk and swelling i was given some eye drops they do work ran out so went back vets satdy ask for some more and got to book him in for the third time at 38pound for 6 pound eye drops but just trying to find out if i can get the drops from the chemist or online as if he has to have an op then it needs doing i think they just gonna suture i thin slice of skin and pull the eyelid away a bit from his eye
  16. the all turn up at the wrong time thers been some absolute cracking bull x dogs and pups the past 2/3 week but just not the right time hope it goes somewhere good mate get a pic up mate if you cant put a post up so someone can tell you how ATB
  17. he looks like he keeps active mate should make some good pups
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