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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. alrite mate,did you see these pups by burton on trent by anychance?reason i ask is i got a pup and in the litter was a pup exactly how you describe. yes mate they was they said someone came from down south was it you that had the bitch they was a nice litter that i seen of them hows yours settled in mate
  2. thats the difference with shooting and coursing quarry the best most healthy SHOULD survive to pass on there genes helping the population whereas they aint got that much chance and i do go rabbiting with the air rifle sometimes
  3. sounds a good un mate sounds very promising for her
  4. does he take much quarry mate whats he like at running
  5. wetdogsmell thats a staff i would be proud to own mate best dog i ever had was a male staff about 28lb looked more like a pbt in shape by god that dog had more than you could wish for athletic stamina brains totally obediant strength got nicked from the garden one day i know what for as well as everytime i walked him i was asked to sell him
  6. i will be mainly on smallish to medium fields with a lot of cover so need somet quick off the mark did really want a sal/grey/bull or same with collie instead of saluki but these pups look very good from decent parents
  7. looks like you got your hand full with that loony fecker lol very nice
  8. glad she doing ok for cg thumbs up for sticking by her as well
  9. keep this thread up plz as been to see some pups bed/whip x whippet some beauty pups nice colours as well one white with black eye patch n few black spots what they like to train what certain traits do a lot of them throw etc
  10. hi c/g how is the progress with the pup really hope she gets better even if its just for a decent quality pet life atb
  11. seen an ad near me for a beagle x russell bitch 6 mnths old free to good home cant seem to find it now pm me if you want the details of the site thats if midlands is ok location to get from
  12. if fstill got can you send me a pic very interested mste
  13. what injury she got mate if you dont mind me asking on here it might help your sale mentioning it as you say she will be laid up for a bit atb
  14. every dog on there is a very good example but anubis your dog stands out by looking at photos but the rest are just as good in my ameteur eye good luck this season wuth them guys
  15. good topic as i will be looking for a saluki bull grey but it would be nice to have the collie in if it gives anything better or different
  16. im having this exaxt same trouble little fuckers getting way too strong now for me he just wont listen tried everything but a prong collar dont want to use one but may have to cus he only just about 1 and he gonna get stronger but it is good for them this is the only thing thats to be taught basic stuff anyway just stick at it mate
  17. very nice cant ask for more than them to try there best atb
  18. awesome looker bred the way i want so have to keep lucking hope she does you proud mate
  19. note better than seeing hard work rewarded what make up is she mate
  20. if you got the work for them the money for them and the time for each one then go for it
  21. dogs that not only look the part but by the sounds of the witnesses to them are bloody good grafters what more can you aswk for
  22. thanks doga for that im no expert far far from it mate but have seen a few well worked dogs with not a lot on them and seen some that were barely adult and not seen a season that were like feckin been through a mincing machine atb
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