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staffs riffraff

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Everything posted by staffs riffraff

  1. Congrats to you and family
  2. East staffs/derbys border is a nice part of the country but I think the whole British Isles are
  3. Bulldogs hunting and the left don't really mix do they? Said it to BGD before how do you interact with your fellow leftists when hunting and questions about your dogs come up ?
  4. Great thread guys don't think you guys over the pond realise how much we are fascinated in by your quarry and lifestyle over there keep up with the ppl s as well please guys
  5. Love hearing little snippets of history about people you have a bit of an interest in
  6. What was the quote? Something along the lines of, if you don't partake in politics you get governed by your inferiors?
  7. good quote about the ufc really as a lot of Brazilians have miraculously gone off the boil now with UTADA testing even just the physical appearance of them is big but I get what gnasher says there is other factors allowed that can make a huge difference in sport that not all athletes can obtain
  8. How that plummer season end DC that your mate had off gaze on here ?
  9. That's just it scothunter. What most of the media showed about his inauguration with low crowds were misleading look into it further the clips of the crowds were not when he was actually on stage
  10. Here's the interview if you want a laugh Your thoughts BGD ? can these people be trusted to run a first world country when they can't remember simple policy details?
  11. They easy enough to make once you have the pump
  12. sure you got the jet ski man scare the fish away when you went into the lead lol
  13. Most the photos and thread of the comp not on here anymore
  14. I think when people say about only after rabbits or Charlie it's keepers getting passed about making foxes lamp shy as well
  15. Anyone still got any photos of the first comp? Been telling my mate about it and things like lab and scothunter total opposite of each other on the forum until the comp (he's from aberdeen) how people came from Wales Scotland all corners of England and how one common interest bought complete strangers together that had met only online as a forum name and was like we had known each other years. How a lot of us felt about craigyboy and never met him etc. Lost what photos I did have so be nice get few back
  16. EXACTLY I don't blame these migrants one bit as I would be the same if in their shoes (not grooming) in coming here getting as much as they can off us. It's our own people facilitating them and ostracised us when we are putting up with the negatives of immigrants I hate these people with a passion
  17. Rehomed not removed lol do you know what I'm saying nik
  18. What would happen say if someone removed a dog such as this insured it then found out after?
  19. I I was walking the dogs one night about 3am and the bloody bullx ran into me and broke my leg at the knee joint long story short when the police arrived I was down a canal path away from houses etc and they would not let the police or paramedics near to help lol bast ads
  20. that I have DC but I will wait rather than rush and spend a couple years on a current lol. Nice one pal
  21. any fell type pup colour stamp unimportant just from good stock, however I do I like a good broken coat on a terrier
  22. Anyone know where there's any pups out of working stock available? Preferably Midlands but don't mind travelling at all
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