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Everything posted by boots

  1. walk dogs then its my time

  2. nite all need zzzzzzzs

  3. im back just going to make a brew

    1. scothunter


      cause it was meant to be housed with a vas hob.now i got kits i dont want.think @least one died god knows how many is nest.

    2. boots


      how many she had

  4. i like a dog thats got heart in it job because then it gives you heartafter the work you put into it and this makes it :thumbs:well well worth doing you can never blame the dog then only yourself
  5. heart in a dog is everything

    1. boots


      off out nite all

  6. moon is on its way out not long to go now

  7. someone has swicthed the moon off

  8. no 1 on chat still

  9. is it chicken and mushroom

  10. the answer is nobody there i dont believe it

  11. just going to see if there is anyone in chat

  12. just going to make a brew

    1. Kay


      any chance of a cup boots lol

    2. boots


      no problem milk no suger

  13. wish i hadnt fed the dogs

    1. Kay


      its clear as bell here

    2. boots


      i would have gone lamping

    3. Kay


      go tomorrow night


    4. Show next comments  27 more
  14. dont believe it nobody in chat

  15. ok who swichted the moon on

  16. welcome staffordshire to thl it is the place to be
  17. dogs finished time for a brew

    1. boots


      suger and milk boo

  18. good nite need zzzzzzs

  19. always had ferrets last one died last season

  20. i fancy two realy 1white jill 1 polecat jill

  21. think i might get a ferret kitt

  22. its very cloudy out there

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