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hunter gatherer

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Everything posted by hunter gatherer

  1. well mate sorry to hear about ur dog. ye a friend of mine had a dog which was blind in one eye and can honestly say was still one of the best dogs ive seen work. the only thing is she only lost her sight at 4 yrs of age so she new wat she was at. id say it will affect a young doga ggod bit tho. atb hg
  2. nice one mate il have a look cheers
  3. ye its handy in rough cover alright. think i might just buy a locator for him he might see the light then ha. where the best place to buy one?
  4. i have bein gettin on to me father now for as long as i can remember to get a new finder instead off the bells. he just starts laughin sayin i have my finder and just points at his ears. now infairness to him it dont take him long to find the ferret at a stop end or wat ever.so anyway was just wondering are people still using bells or have them days gone??
  5. nice pups mate. really like the wite on is it a dog or bitch?
  6. nice pups there mate. any pic of the sire and dam?
  7. was thinkin about about putting my bitch to a friends wippit hound. was wondering if anyone runs these? wat are they like? some pics to lads as im not sure wat they will look like cheers hg
  8. Never really injured mesely but got the steel clip for the strap to carry the battery clip onto the wire as i was gettin under. believe me it was torture tryin to un clip it
  9. I was always told not to run hares on the lamp cos they cant see where there goin at night. cant find any gaps or wat ever. is there any truth in this?
  10. well mate nice pup. might be interested. any pic of the sire and dam? where are u?
  11. sorry fo ur lose mate. my friend had something simular happen to him last yr.he brought her to the vet for answers. he said the dog had twisted her stomach when runnin. didnt even no that was possible. sorry to hear anyway man atb
  12. well were both parents workin? and where abouts are ya? might be just watmy friend is lookin for.
  13. hey guys i am now lookin for a good bushin terrier but am not sure wat to get. or wat breed any bit of help would be greatly appriciated. some photos to maybe lads thanks steven
  14. nice lookin pups mate atb with them
  15. hi all. i have just lost my terrier last week found her dead in her box dunno wat happened to her. couldnt find any reason for this. she was only 6 and was grand the evening before. so im wondering if anyone else has ever had this happen to them?
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