thanks lads appreciate it. iv bein trying with the dog but dont think the bitch will stand for him. she gets very agressive when he trys. i think ai maybe the way to go cheerrs HG
hi lads i noticed my bitch was comin in heat the other day. and was wondering how many days should it be till she will stand for the dog. it will be my first time ever breeding so any tips would be apreciated thanks
i might just try that settin off late to see wat ya mean. and for the plod and keepers we dont see any of that around me thank god. well sayin that i think im fairly lucky theres not many round me hunt so no one takes any notice. i can only imagine the hassel some of ye fellas get.
true big numbers have no appeal to me. well thats until a friend challenges ha. but its nothing to serious just a few pint. even then that dont involve big numbers sometimes. first dog to miss a rabbit looses. do any off ye have little bets like that. be interesting to find some new ones
well lads lamping is something i love to do but. im not one to go out after twelve at night. bigs numbers dont really appeal to me as i would have no use for that many rabbits. i would usely be lamping at 7 or 8 very rarely any later than that. but im just curious wat is the reason ye all leave it so late? and am i the only one goes that early? i often heard the sayin rabbits late at night are full off grass and easyier to catch. would ye agree with that?
well mate i would say no. as the pup u have have now will need alot more trainin and will make life harder with two lurchers. i would wait till shes 3 or 4 as then ur trainin is done and have a experienced dogs to show her the ropes. but if ur keen on gettin her some company i would say get a terrier or a springer for day time work which in my eyes will help ur pup in alot of ways not just company.