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30 Good

About aslan

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. sorry guys i couldnt make it today,hope all went well.can you tell me who the winners were
  2. always a good show,well worth the journey.looking forward to it
  3. isn't it amazing how this tosser expects show organizers to support his show,but he will not support any other show
  4. best of luck with the show lads,always a good one
  5. in fairness to the hound judge,the hound that won out the hound classes was a cracking looking animal,one from the Waterford pack,but i didnt think much of the overall terrier, ribs showing and a tail like a rat,not impressed atall.but not a bad show for their first attempt.
  6. great lads,see ye there,good show last year and a worthwhile cause,not like the fools down the road.
  7. mate, my point is simply this,there are some of us who support as many shows as we can,i only missed 1 show last year,all the shows on the circuit that i know support a charity or a hunt pack,charity,be it cancer,you never know when it'll come knocking on your door (the Rathnew show),or say the lisgould show whos proceeds go to a local kids school or the many hunt packs be them the Waterford, the rockview or a new show this year The kilmagany,god knows these hunt packs need the money to keep things running smoothly.so i'll support them. now for those of you who pick and choose which shows you
  8. To me, it looks like the organizers are in it to line their pockets,so i wont be attending and can i suggest to the REAL dog men on here to follow suit.
  9. stop dodging the question where are the funds going too, be honest with yourself and others. Whats the problem with people not been able to answer questions.. People have the right to know what their supporting especially when many people are travelling from across the country.. In my opinion its ignorance... Not all shows go towards hunt clubs, the Wicklow terrier lurcher and whippet club hold theirs for cancer research and many other shows are held for charities.. So can u answer the question ?? Where are the donarions going to and stop beating around the bush !! YIS David Dickenso
  10. I would like to say congratulations to Dave on having a great first show today,well done mate.I've never seen so many whippets in a field at the same time.Alot of lads and lassies from the North,to all of you,thanks very much for your support.However can i say that i felt a little let down with regards the support from the show organizers down south.Anyone who knows Dave will know that he travels to every show on the southern circuit never missing one with a full trailer load of dogs.He is himself a topclass lurcher judge and a genuine dogman so alittle more support from the south would have b
  11. best of luck Dave,if you need any help give us a shout,should be a good one.Wishing you and April all the best.
  12. well done lads,good show for your first effort,keep it going,best of luck for the future.
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