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Everything posted by lowlowshotta

  1. lead work can be great for 3weeks, go right back to heel training, stops on the whistle on lead, and keep building it up..
  2. Genuuine OFFERS NOW WELCOMED, swaps, cash sale PM me and let me know
  3. what a massive shame, as mentioned rip jake and thoughts are with you DC. Lls
  4. I like her alot, and its good to hear you get out there with her and keep her satisfied, have a soft spot for the bulls, and when the time is right another will be welcome back to my household
  5. shame about the father, whats he like with other dogs? in the kennels and so on, he's a nice stamp of a dog,hopefully someone comes forward who could work him in big earths, if i had the space i would have him here Good Luck with them pups I like the B&T and the whites alot
  6. very good day, made up for you, agree with lab-tastic that ldv needs to go,
  7. Paul n Scooby thats the offer I was hoping someone would come up with, your a proper gent and just hope the lad takes you up on it,
  8. What dogs have you got Gav, what happened to the two barkers??? Good Luck with the pups
  9. agree with the above thats a very nice set up, which doesn't look out of place at all, well doen nice design
  10. time is passing mate your right but i wish someone would tell my brittany she still thinks and acts like a pup,i wanted a brittany to line her ive thought about a springer an calling em bringers but id like a brittany eventually here she is she's a fine britt mate, in your situation I would look to putting a springer across her, forget about the stupid designer names and i think there will be more working springers around you then britts, I would also try different studs to her, until the damage is done so to speak.. wish you Luck Craig, and agree the britt dog is a belter, th
  11. for people wanting one of these pups, give the lad a donation best thing you can do, I hate seeing pups going free to a home as i know how many people are about to make money on someones bad fortunes, if people have got the space maybe take one on until a good home is found, in all fairness sire and dam look spot on aswell as the pups. Hope the whole situation is sorted and agree thsi should be sticky, just to show lurcher pups don't go flying out the door, any pups for that matter, think hard before you breed. LowLow
  12. nice honest post and the pups look in good nick aswell as sire and dam,i like the look of the sire alot, imo the price is a little high, but thats being picky you have obviously done well on rearing them, to be honest if I was in the market for a terrier these would be ticking the right box's and I think these pupsif brought on correctly could be digging dogs. Good Luck
  13. a fine youngster, good luck with it, if she comes on and works as good as she looks you will have a cracker on your hands
  14. a real fine specimen, credit to you billy for having him in good nick but credit goes to the breeder, fine dog
  15. like the bull x alot, get that collar off her and get a good one off strong stuff, he will see you right
  16. haha thought the same think i was born a 32in waist,joking aside a great write up,felt like i was there for a minute, dogs look well
  17. can not believe people are knocking these dogs as mentioned and jumping down my neck regarding my post of these being handy! Its obvious these are used for more than the bunnies and they may look heavy but look at the bitch stood next to the bullx she's in fine nick and will defo catch more than a cold. To finish my statement the lads who own them are more then happy so thats the main thing, I don't like collie/grey half crosses but I know lads are happy with them and they have there uses and are versatile animal.. If we all had the same animal or tried going down the same route we wouldn'
  18. Hi all, parting with the above book, its in excellent condition. If there is serious people interested can get images up. The book is fetching unbelievable money, just take a look on amazon. I am looking for around the £120 mark, but will swap on other good dog books, Darcy, Harcombe or would swap for a good amount of Earth Dog Running Dog, must be a good collection, PM me if your genuinely interested. LowLow
  19. good look rehoming him, nice honest post and the dog looks well, daveo is sorted with a brittany now i think.
  20. too much for me, alot of money that for that, good luck with it bud,
  21. lowlowshotta


    Fancy swapping some of your collection for a 1st edition of the book Badger Digging by Harcombe, in new condition? PM me and clear your inbox bud
  22. whose a muppet woodard?? Hope your not talking about me
  23. fine looking lab dave, i like the image when she is with the two geese either side, doing well for a youngster,bet you are over joyed with the work she is completing
  24. the chequer plates look the bollicks but are far to expensive to the average working man, nothing wrong with the timbers at a fraction of the price and the plastic ones which the lad Deakin does look well.
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