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About radioclash

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  1. Thanks working on all the above,found if she has something to carry a stick, feather, ball, less inclined to scavenge.When she becomes bored carrying the item she will dig a hole and try bury it.
  2. Jrt x patt 14 wk old bitch.Quite bright learning but she eats everything apart from dog poo and quite aggresive when playing with humans.She know what leave it means but she pulls or runs away chewing whatever she has quickly grass, rabbit crap, sticks, slugs, snails, etc. When i finally get a grip off her she fights with her paws wriggles struggles and clamps her jaws on object.I have to prise her jaw open to get said object one time it was the base of a broken glass bottle other stuff been ripped cans Any ideas how to cure this or will she grow out of it
  3. i should make it maybe pick up some advice of you guys
  4. hello im in scotland just outside glasgow I am 44yr male.Joined the forum to gather some info if a working terrier is for me.i dont really wanna ruin waste a capable dog if its needs outstrips mine. Been mostly round ferrets lurchers greyhounds and airguns in my youth. so youll find me browsing the terrier section picking up on your experiences thanks
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