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Everything posted by remyd

  1. you'd be surprised how many people get bulls mixed up! a friends friend wrote this article, well worth a read! What is and isn't a Pit Bull..
  2. I'm going through the same problem the dogs plenty fast enough but won't pick up! Think I'm going to try the rabbit skin on a flirt pole! Keep us posted on the progress
  3. Can you posted pics straight off your iPhone into here?
  4. The slips couldn't be any easier at times and he's pulling like fcuk even whining when he's slipped! I'll just have too keep at him this season and hope he gets it by the end cheers again lads
  5. sound advise lads. as i said he wasn't for lamping[too small] but he's the only thing iv got at the moment besides a 10 weeks old wheaten\bull\grey but its just nice to get him something like so he can be used if needs be like now lol cheers again lads any more advise is much appreciated
  6. Iv got a 2 year old Small 17tts beddywhippet which has always been used for day time mooching which he loves, he's caught loads of rabbits in cover or just coming out of cover! My problem is this season I decided to take him lamping, iv only took him 4 or 5 times the first few times it was the usual mistakes not running the beam and when he did learn he was over shooting, tripping and tumbling on the strike! He caught 1 rabbit which was less than impressive it had no where to go and in the end was fcuked after a good 8 turns! Now this dog is lighting fast and should be hooving bunnies up for f
  7. Just got myself a pup and I've never seen 1 work or had any experience with them! I no know there full on, I would just like to here people's firsthand experience's with them temperament,working style any info really cheers
  8. ENZYMAT-D completely eradicates urine odours doesn't just mask them! It's a bit pricey tho
  9. Claydon duo Reeves kennels mine come on the 6th dec can't wait
  10. That's it then give your dog a slap and it will stop killing!!! Ffs
  11. Great little lamps! easy to hide away in your jacket but more suited for small fields tho!
  12. Flyingfox off of here makes good solid little 2 piece shovels! Never let me down
  13. What's the reason for the sale mate if you don't mind me asking? Cheers
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