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Everything posted by tegater

  1. Great picture in the snow and bloody good going!
  2. i think it was taken out of context and he was refering to his unit rather than himself Yea and for a change it seems to be sky news
  3. Isn't everybody? Not specifically I don't think. This though could be like a red rag to a bull. I don't think any of them are saying lets get Tegater because he's a tw*t. ........others might be though In the Army i ment........................twat.. Doh !!!!!!
  4. Yes I'll have that but they may see this as openly taunting them and bragging. Just a thought!
  5. Isn't everybody? Not specifically I don't think. This though could be like a red rag to a bull. I don't think any of them are saying lets get Tegater because he's a tw*t. ........others might be though
  6. Well done Harry. His protection teams may not be thanking him though, now he will always be a target by the Taliban.
  7. They will confirm reciept of your forms and the fact that you will be ok when your ticket runs out. It makes me laugh with firms that still so fax in this day and age, as everything is done by email!! Original forms obviously need signing but in you case it will be ok
  8. Here you go twotwothree firearms.licensing@derbyshire.pnn.police.uk
  9. No doubt it is a pro forma reply sent to everybody
  10. Thank you for contacting us regarding ‘The One Show’, broadcast on 16 January on BBC One. We understand you felt Miranda Krestovnikoff incorrectly implied that lamping is an illegal activity during a discussion on the programme. We raised your concerns with the shows production team. We accept that in certain circumstances the use of a powerful lamp at night to illuminate quarry and then kill certain species can be lawful. However, in the studio discussion Miranda made it quite clear that she was specifically referring to the use of powerful dogs to chase down and attack badgers, deer
  11. I believe if they don't have a toilet inside they are just called an "ig"
  12. Well feckin said....its got that much better it makes very interesting reading, and lets keep it that way.
  13. Best thing with the .22 is the price. Cheap second hand and cheap ammo.
  14. The hmr Not flat as they make out! It's less affected by the wind than the .22 and the drop at 200y is the same as the .22 at only 100y. There is a big place for both and I love them both, but it is the users circs and shooting needs that will determine what is best for them.
  15. Yea for rabbit but mainly fox (rifle) It's good at times and seems to cut through moisture in the air a little better than amber while still giving a decent range on seeing the whole animal. Still use amber and red most of the time though.
  16. It's the worst bit about keeping dogs..especially because they are often more loyal than any other thing you will meet.
  17. tegater

    Mad b*****ds

    Yes it was on the other day. It turns out it was only a gas gun incapable of killing anything. The lad was just an attention seeking mong.
  18. youv`e caught him on the hop That's not bunny
  19. Maybe that is what he is paying you to come and pick them up
  20. ive done a little edit to the title Thought so! I wreckon this could be a funny little thread with some of the replies he may get!
  21. You have put them in the "free" section, which is a more realistic option. You may get a few funny pm's
  22. Try vermin shooter he was getting rid of one at the weekend
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