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Everything posted by tegater

  1. Olive or gold spider, or in fact any of the sparse "spider patterns" but olive or gold are my favourites.
  2. Destructive little bird though and as a boy I lived on a fruit farm near Pershore for sometime and they were shot at will as a result of the damage they do to the buds on apple and plum trees.
  3. My favourite finch, quite a few are around us at the moment in all the willow trees. The distinctive soft whistle call is often heard before the bird is seen. Nice pics Nigel.
  4. Its hard to tell off the pics but is the scope mounted quite high? It might just be the angle that gives the impression that it could go lower.
  5. Yep, but not trying to master it, means even more margin of error. That is exactly the reason I adjust my drums for the wind, it takes one element of guess work out of the equation, when all you should be concentrating on is 'the shot'
  6. Once an oldhamer always an oldhamer !
  7. No, what you do is memorise the drift for a 10mph full value cross wind. It is then easy to work out the drift for any other wind speed providing you can divide by 10. For half and quarter value winds again it is dead easy providing you can divide by two. I use it all the time and with HV round at realistic distances of 250 there is not that much to memorise. It takes one element of guess work out of the equation. I am not advocating you get your phone out when you shoot, but it is the info that Geoff asked for that will give him the knowledge, as ballistics are an exact science, and when
  8. You will need to chrono your rifle/ammunition Geoff but there are loads of great apps out there that will tell you everything you need after you have put in all the info like mv, bc, rate of twist, scope height etc. two of the best ones are Strelok and Shooter. The 5.56 / .223 is notoriously poor in strong wind compared to heavier .308 rounds or even the .243. We always find that the .223 will also get raised or lowered substantially in full value crosswinds depending on which direction it's coming from. The apps are worth getting though in my opinion but they are only as accurate
  9. Loads around here, all originally brought down from the keepers at Annan in the 50's. The last lot of snow has sent them and the stoats white, and the moor foxes a tad lighter.
  10. You can also tell the difference between welsh lamb and English lamb, by the love bite on the welsh shoulder
  11. A lot of farmers do already have someone. Keep knocking, look smart, be polite, offer to help out with jobs around the farm if they need an extra hand, and most importantly don't ask for permission to ferret, if there are no rabbits on their land!
  12. Mine go "rain" "refl" and "150>" in that order. Mine are the hawke 600, standard model I assume as I wasn't aware there was a pro model. Hope this helps
  13. great looking weather......not so great looking jacket Looks like he fell off a trawler
  14. Yes happy hunting pal. Great looking weather, good hedges and a decent bag, well done!
  15. Good job with new rifle Geoff, nice to see someone else using tenterfield. I make mine from old stainless lock plates from internal doors, what do you make yours from? I have tried thinner steel but find they bend to easily!
  16. Chaps I'm not trying to take this tread off topic or have a go at anyone, I have a LOT of different rifles/calibres and I take foxes in a LOT of different environments and at a LOT of different distances, hence why I feel reasonably qualified to suggest a rimfire IS the tool for the job in some situations, just as a CF is in other situations. I'm not trying to start an International incident and I refer you to my original comment in #2 reprinted above. ATB! Quite a few I think do the same and completely agree with you. The main difficulty in getting the message across appears to
  17. You don't need a centrefire to shoot a fox on the end of your barrel, (even though some here don't feel capable), after all they are only about the same size as a medium size dog, and if you can't stop that with a 30g V-Max at 322 ft lb then you need to take up knitting not buy a centrefire! You will be in CF territory if you want long foxes, as per my post at #2. Commonly the .222, .223 and 22-250 are quoted, the .243 with a light V-Max eclipses all of them though. Scope and mod will be down to the rifle/calibre you buy and your finances and personal preferences! So what'er you s
  18. You don't need a centrefire to shoot a fox on the end of your barrel, (even though some here don't feel capable), after all they are only about the same size as a medium size dog, and if you can't stop that with a 30g V-Max at 322 ft lb then you need to take up knitting not buy a centrefire! You will be in CF territory if you want long foxes, as per my post at #2. Commonly the .222, .223 and 22-250 are quoted, the .243 with a light V-Max eclipses all of them though. Scope and mod will be down to the rifle/calibre you buy and your finances and personal preferences! So what'er you s
  19. He got it on a rimfire. Why then do manufacturers give you cleaning and dismantling instructions, and even those like the bruger and thomet top end ones that don't dismantle come with cleaning instructions. Just seems a little strange not to clean them and what can the benefits be of not cleaning them.
  20. Wish my misses could do that!! On a serious note though...that takes some bloody strength to do some of that!
  21. I can understand that then, you want to give it a good start
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