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Everything posted by tegater

  1. Have you seen the split second it took him to draw his gun and fire. I dont think there was that much time to think about and fire taser, which i am guessing is far less accurate! I must admit though, it didnt exactly look aggressive, and none of the members of the public around him look that bothered about the dog beforehand!
  2. Great pics Kay. I like the one with the sun rays and the long shadows the best
  3. Just pi**ed myself laughing at the daft grey dog :laugh: Great pics Malt
  4. Sorry if this has been on before but take a look.. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/m/74c05376/2d5c0665/5ef8027e/467fe0d6/1733299142/VEsE/
  5. Great pics, and will this rain ever stop!
  6. Couldn't resist taking this pic, as I was going to Wales this morning :laugh:
  7. Mythbusters really struggled to get any barrel to blow up!!
  8. Welcome pal, and good luck finding some beating.
  9. You should get your money back no probs. Have you not thought of just going down the .243 route? They may be knocking you back because living in England the .223 is limited for deer considering there are a lot of roe about in the north. The 243 hits so many boxes and is such a versatile round it's hard to knock it back. Hope you get sorted.
  10. I used the stainless steel from an old door kicker in the end.
  11. Tin can ones work really well They aren't that rigid though
  12. I genuinly laughed out loud at this :laugh: dont laugh out to loud have just put a tenner on you john :laugh: thanks!
  13. Feck me, bet they dont do that again
  14. I genuinly laughed out loud at this :laugh:
  15. John. I will go one step further and say you are right all the way, thank goodness for common sense.
  16. Maybe another bit of the fieldsports market you could break into! They would be quality!
  17. Thanks TIM for the info I really didn't know foxes grew that big. If you really want to give me the finger bud, then fine, but don't give people bad advice. How big do you think the kill zone is on a red deer then just incase you have one of those lying about to measure aswell.
  18. ive shot plenty of foxes at 50 yards within that size. a 22lr has a hell of a lot of power at 50 yards. i use cci stingers and as soon as they hit home. the fox is down. end of Ok pal.
  19. TIM if you think a foxes vital are 8x4" with a .22rf, then you are going to end up with a lot of injured foxes pal.
  20. TIM. It's not the weight of the mod that keeps the barrel down, otherwise they would make all mods really heavy! It's the way the mod controls the explosive pressure that reduces muzzle jump and recoil. Might sound pedantic, but I wouldn't want someone looking to buy a heavy mod, necessarily!
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