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Everything posted by tegater

  1. Not always the best solution for being b*****d eyed, but.. If you wear shooting specs, scratch out the lens on the "wrong" eye, so the brain won't want to use it!
  2. I'm obviously from a different school my dictum is ,"admit nothing deny everything". Mine must be "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil" !!
  3. Yep, usually a couple of bottles of port.
  4. Great lead in lines on the first two snap! Nice images
  5. Basil brush will be the next peso to get locked up!!! Same era!!!?
  6. Focus your lamp to a tighter beam, or close the image with a tighter magnification.
  7. yeah like the f*****g retarded c**t, looking for a scooby incase it comes on top, then hes gonna do bal bla bla, then bla bla bla to the car
  8. 100% correct CG. Mods aren't goody goodies, and they know what could go on, but its the dicks that don't have the intelligence to realise the damage they cause when posting illegal stuff, or thinking by posting "pre-ban" will somehow magically protect them when old bill knocks on their doors, or nicks their cars. Do what you need to do, and enjoy it, but only talk about it if you can
  9. Yep I can remember years ago that dogs can detect cancerous skin blemishes/moles etc, and that is without any training. Simply the dog wanting to sniff and lick the mole on a regular basis was a good insicator!!
  10. Haha, do you think the bloke in the picture could have found one that fitted :laugh:
  11. Hoggs of Fife make decent ones, or at least they did. Still not cheap, but much cheaper than Musto.
  12. Yes. I switch between strelok and shooter. Both are excellent but strelok beats shooter if you wand hold overs/offs. As said earlier they are only as good as the initial input for the weapon and ammo, and the input at the time for distance and wind speed etc. get all that wrong and you are back to square one.
  13. Nice Paulus. I was down in Shropshire today, and was amazed at the difference in oak trees. Some have completly shed their leaves, others part shed, but others still had almost all their leaves, but brown and dry, a bit like some of the ones in your pics.
  14. Bet they looked better in reality :laugh: Nice pics
  15. Stick her in the kennel and leave her alone. She will get used to it sooner enough. Personnally I make sure they have decent bedding to lay down in.
  16. True. I was just thinking if they didn't take the shot at that moment then the dog could have gone off and mauled someone and then the officer would be to blame. It's one of those things that could get you arguing all night. I still think they should of tasered it though ( providing the circumstances gave them enough of an opportunity to do it ) But it's not something I would like to continue to discuss or argue This video is renowned for causing arguments on internet forums. Look at the vid and you will see the 2nd cop hit the dog with pepper spray. The maybe don't even have taser.
  17. Have you seen the split second it took him to draw his gun and fire. I dont think there was that much time to think about and fire taser, which i am guessing is far less accurate! Have you seen the split second it took him to draw his gun and fire. I dont think there was that much time to think about and fire taser, which i am guessing is far less accurate! Yeah I did. But we also don't know the amount of time the police were there before this incident. From the start of the video you can see that the dog is barking and showing signs of aggression standing over it's owner. Surely
  18. I agree. Let the dog get hold, then blow its brains out safely, or stick the knife in. Again....easy to say after the event, but in the split second to take the decision, he did what he had to do.
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