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Everything posted by tegater

  1. tegater


    great attitude mate , ive managed to get my mrs nan down to stay with her tommorrow so i can follow the hounds............so i ask me two boys ,one age 8 and the other aged 11 if they want to come out on the quad as there meeting just down the road and neither want to come..............if i asked there friends they would jump at the chance ........i just cant work it out..... they know i would love them to come and maybe im abit pushy in trying to get them to come............. the oldest one is obsessed with his x box on line talking to friends......... i just cant see them changing..... the
  2. tegater


    Keeping the two boys interested in their ferreting, trapping shooting and fishing!! They are getting older and the chances of them getting in with the wrong crowd gets bigger all the time. I will never force my way of life on them as I want them to grow up as their own individual self, but hopefully things will be ok At the end of the day, my family is all that matters.
  3. and expensive!! I will have a look at doing some research into costs, and maybe get a topic pinned with best deals at time of posting. If anyone knows of particularly good deals give me the details. Times are tuff for most people at the moment I guess!
  4. If you are going to use any firearm, I would advise you to get insurance. You will hopefully never use it, but its better than getting sued for thousands if you dont! Shop around for best quotes, but all fieldsports societys do it, such as BASC, CPSA, etc ....Not cheap though!!
  5. Have you tried the tinkers at duchy road.
  6. They will only see it for a fraction of a second
  7. Been dead busy this year and not on the forums that much, but hope the little one is still enjoying it. Atb
  8. White dog taken a bit of stick. Got staff in it ?
  9. It wasn't that one but thanks SL. Nice anyway!
  10. Well said Hallamrose. Why is your opinion better than someone else's. I personally prefer varmint barrels as the extra weight gives me a bit of extra stability. Yes it's heavier, but that's my choice. We probably all know someone who tries to enforce their opinion on someone else. Get what's right for you, shoot it, and enjoy it!! he already agreed he wanted a light one, but he seen this one cheap a just jumped at it. i tried to tell him to think about it more before going any further and yes said to him if you really like it and it suits your job go for it. so i never forced my
  11. I was in fear for my life or that of my families.... That's the answer!!
  12. You said "Personally if they are in your house how the hell are you supposed to know what their intentions are?" What I am saying is...... That will convict you.. You must be clear as to what you believed their intentions were. You will be up against the most experienced and clever barristers in the criminal defence world if it happens to you. I sincerely hope it doesn't mate!
  13. Second hand or new cz or Brno. Cannot go wrong with them.
  14. Well done pal, look them in the eye, be honest, and tell them why you want the job. Sounds a little sad, but dress for the day and look smart. How you present yourself for the interview will set an impression, on how you may look on a shoot day, with home and foriegn clientel!! All the best
  15. That comment is what would convict you. Your honestly held belief that you or your family are in iminent danger, is what will save you!
  16. The best real friend you will have. Sometime ago, somebody posted a poem about a dog that had gone, I think it may have been Malt. Maybe someone can add that to this thread.
  17. Yep reasonable force means reasonable as to your honestly held belief as to why they are there, I.e. to steal or to so you harm. To protect my family, I would give my life, but is unlikely to involve getting to guns in time! I would however use whatever was to hand to defend them, and reasonable.
  18. no it doesn't ring a bell but it was some time ago. A little feller, mad on country folk music and playing the accordion. Thanks for reply.
  19. I was a Very Good Pal of Jonnie Gallagher and his Family... Ironically I went on to do many Gamefair's @ Weston Park... through Greenway's Fishing Tacke later Greenway's Country... Lichfield. Staffs :0)) Susie Greenway Totnes Devon I used to work for John Gallagher, when he moved to the white sytch shoot, I got poached from Weston park! Very sad news about John a few years ago I am not sure if you are aware of. I think his wife is still in the area though. Thanks for the reply
  20. Knock the primer out of a case and use as Geoff and Deker. It just makes a slightly smaller aperture in the bore. That's all I use anyway.
  21. tegater

    ipads help

    Icecream sandwich?? is that a wind up?? I bought her a new slow cooker but my mum reckons she will, and I quote 'remove you little winky and slow cook that' if i give it her as a present? I really do give up with women. I'd get a smack in the mush if I bought my misses a slow cooker!
  22. tegater

    ipads help

    Icecream sandwich?? is that a wind up?? I bought her a new slow cooker but my mum reckons she will, and I quote 'remove you little winky and slow cook that' if i give it her as a present? I really do give up with women. I'd get a smack in the mush if I bought my misses a slow cooker!
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