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Everything posted by tegater

  1. Nowt wrong with flyfishing.........stalkers of fish! Welcome pal, there are a few fishers on here!
  2. It's like de-gloving a finger, the skin is joined to the rest of the tail, it doesn't just slide over the top of it! Here is one I have just done
  3. Just because you don't need one it doesn't mean others won't. There are a whole host of people who shoot from occasional and sports shooters to professionals. It only complicates things if you don't know what you actually want yourself.
  4. They will be more expensive than .22 rimmy rounds thats for sure. My hmr rounds work out about 20p a bang, and I dont see that as expensive, when shooting corvids and getting a good return of shots to kills, that i couldnt get with a shotgun at those ranges. Shooting large bags of rabbits, yes sure a .22 rf makes more sense. you know it does :laugh:
  5. They will be more expensive than .22 rimmy rounds thats for sure. My hmr rounds work out about 20p a bang, and I dont see that as expensive, when shooting corvids and getting a good return of shots to kills, that i couldnt get with a shotgun at those ranges. Shooting large bags of rabbits, yes sure a .22 rf makes more sense.
  6. Yea and I wont be getting rid of any of my rifles to buy one either, but for first time buyers, they may be a good option, along with plenty of others on the market.
  7. The report will make interesting reading, they are corrupt in my eyes through and through. I had no idea also how much money they spent each year on fighting cases....£100 m !
  8. It is not illegal to shoot fox with a rim fire here now, it just isn't good sole reason to apply for one. H O guidance states that there are times when a rim fire is suitable. And for all those who don't understand what I am saying, I am not trying to say the rimmy is an ideal dedicated foxing round!
  9. Coming onto the market soon another interesting round for those who have or are looking at the wmr. The new Winchester super magnum, is a rimfire to wreckon with by the looks of things, and although there will be the sceptics and hot on the heels of the .17 hornet, is there room for another .17, the reviews are good, with tight groups at 200, and 60ft/lb more energy than the .22wmr. Read the review and make your own mind up, but in principle it looks great, especially with a 25grain bullet. If you are not interested in reading the full review, here is a small section of it;
  10. Hi fatty (I have always wanted to say that to someone without being accused of being a bully ) Join in the forum, plenty of airgun entheusiasts on here.
  11. That's why if you know the law you can have the right answers and the right stuff in place!
  12. Use of dogs below ground to protect birds for shootingE+W 2(1)The use of a dog below ground in the course of stalking or flushing out is in accordance with this paragraph if the conditions in this paragraph are satisfied.E+W (2)The first condition is that the stalking or flushing out is undertaken for the purpose of preventing or reducing serious damage to game birds or wild birds (within the meaning of section 27 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (c. 69)) which a person is keeping or preserving for the purpose of their being shot. (3)The second condition is that the person doing
  13. Feck me I hope not, that means I am a law breaker :tongue2: have a look at the start of the terrier section and there's a link that explains it all, and it's definatley NOT illegal if done as the law allows yeah my mistake there is a loop hole lol I can assure you it is not a loophole That would suggest that all digging was banned and people found a way around the law.
  14. Don't know how much it is worth and have had and still got AYA shot ties. For me they are the good but quality made Spanish gun. My current project is to revamp completely a No 4 given to me by my Dad. Try doing the woodwork yourself and you may even service the engine yourself. Re blueing and colour heating may be better done by someone in the know. Don't be put off by the fact the Yeoman was the bog standard model.
  15. You are right pal and apparently that's why not so many people are buying pocket cameras, and the reason Jessops are in the poo.
  16. Well done Brimmer I really enjoyed that read and a good example of how if you want the rabbits you have to graft for them.
  17. tegater

    Tooth ache

    Orajel max strength is what I have recently used and it is brilliant, but get to dentist asap. Orajel has small amount of anaesthetic in it and actually numbs all you mouth and lips if you get it on them. I bought it over the counter at tesco chemist.
  18. How old are they Rake? Hope they are OK by the way
  19. We know that Jamie, thats what most of the fuss was about
  20. Glad contacting them back and explaining worked out well for you...I said it should.
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