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Everything posted by hoolah

  1. Her is one of his sisters aswell lol big family ey! and we was off out and we stopped for a min and she decided to sit in the back seats and give it the big one!
  2. to be honest i think its a load of bull, and it be stuck on 50/50 for ages then then the against will shoot up!
  3. come along great they are buddy, i got one of his sisters and she is 21.5" tts at the minute coming along lovely!
  4. have to agree, but did have a good time, next year im going to put up a stall for under 25s "the steroid company" ill make a fortune, the amound off pissed up big boys pushing there weight around was terrible
  5. Ye she does it alot when she get excited or wants to play with other dogs or humans, one of my freinds she has a 3 year old german shepard and she is stuck up lol! so my pup was jumping around her showing her teeth and snapping her jaw at her lol but then it followed by a bite but i think that was playing lol, and she doesnt like to bother with dogs smaller than her for some reason 3 dogs she has played with havebeen a, bull mastiff, Doberman and the german shepard lol
  6. i have been looking around the last few nights for a awnser to my question but what ever i read im getting different awnsers, eg. silent bark, aggression , so i was wondering what you think this video is not mine but simalar to what my pup does, she does it mostly when she plays but its alot louder and she scrunches her face up and shows all of her teeth, she barks aswell so i though it cant be a silent bark. any idea's
  7. thanks alot for the reply, she does tend to come back when you call her when playing its just when we are walking but then again its just patients and time, and i will try to make more of a fuss next time lol
  8. Right i have a 6 month old bitch and i was wondering what is the best way to train recall. I tried using a ball but she does not want anything to do with it. but rather plays with broken sticks lol so i throw the stick and she brings it back straight away and will keep doing it(well 99% of the time) but if we are just out walking and she is just strolling she just tends to ignore me, i try it with treats and she comes but for some reason its as if she knows i havent got any treats for her.
  9. it seems really simple, but if the dog is out with other dogs and the other dogs are jumping they just tend to copy the others just easy lol
  10. hope it goes all good mate atb
  11. heres my 6month old bitch pup hopefully be showing her towards the end of next season atm she is 22tts
  12. thanks for the replies much appreciated
  13. its like a hills have eyes community lol, interesting though haha
  14. ok thanks alot, it has gone down alot now. didnt know you could use sudocream on a dog lol or is it a certain type? thanks alot
  15. well ill leave it a while, see what happens and if its still there, ill post a picture if you dont mind and give me your thoughts thanks
  16. Right i havent long been back as i took my 6month old pup for a good run, and shes got back and just fell over and went to sleep lol but i noticed a bit of red on her inside back legs, so i had a further look and its on both inside of back legs. any ideas? thanks
  17. hey lukeh, whats the background on buford jr jr buddy if you dont mind me asking
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