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Everything posted by hoolah

  1. i used to say that (when i was a clueless twat) pups nice aswell mate Lol thanks mate, I have read a load of topics/posts about bull x now, its down to the indivdiual . some people like bull x some dont...im one who does.
  2. clueless , if the man didnt breed it his self he is not to blame any way . lovely pup , nice percentage thanks mate, she putting some weight on now aswell, so next pic people wont be able to say shes skinny lol prob have abuse then saying she fat....just people getting bitchy aint it
  3. thanks for that pal, had her checked and she is all good,
  4. yeah mate, i think it was in that area pal
  5. where did your comment go pal?
  6. Thanks pal. Hope all goes well
  7. alright lads, Just wondering if anyone knows any good meat and bones suppliers in south wales. I understand there is one down ammanford way but not sure. Thanks
  8. Thanks pal, nah i haventsorry mate thanks mate
  9. What you mean pal? first bitch i had was a bull x and i wouldnt of changed her for the world.
  10. Thanks lads, shes settling in a bit more now, right fiesty bitch, need to get some of her attitude out of her though lol
  11. a freind of mine had a similar problem, As stated above, best thing to do is keep 2 of them with a family or freind, and just modify the kennel to something else for the time being, after a few weeks of checking they will realise that everything is sound, but he was caught out once, and just stated he was minding them for his brother and put them back at his brothers house untill everything died down a bit. Was a pain in the ass hideing 2 dogs but they made checks as he had a on going feud with his next door neighbour who is a total tit i may add. after a while everything was ok, he go
  12. Picked up my little bull x 2 days ago, 10 weeks old. she needs some weight, but seems a fiesty one
  13. RIP Trixie, 17/12/2010 - - 19/04/2012

  14. lol irish, this cat was a demon sounded possessed lol yeah washed out all the wounds give her some anti's last night she seems to be walking alright this morning, just a little lump left at the moment pulled out some claws aswell so that might of be irratating her but all seems ok at the moment thanks aswell
  15. Took my bitch out for a walk last night, and just as i was getting home a cat jumped out and started attacking her (sounds funny i know) she was fine all night, then i went to check her this morning and she has a few cuts ect around her front right leg, its swollen up and she wont walk on it or if you touch it she flinches. Any advice? thanks
  16. Here's my wee bitch! litter from bullx4life, 24tts and 13month old
  17. as a post said above is there a agreement you could get the centre to have a full look and see how is health is and ask you to be first person listed? you never know it could turn out to be a no.1 buddy
  18. thanks fella, yea she coming along good but she got a big grudge against slippers! whats buck like with attention then mate? he love it?
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