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Everything posted by Royston2

  1. I dont do pats on the back never because to give a pat on the back most people are asking for one so i say feck um...World hunter your pics are fantastic mate i wish i had a camera to equal pics so great as these ones bud and you do deserve a pat on the back your dog is by know means my cup of tea but he is doing what you want so fair play...That pic of him on mr brown mate come on be honest that hare wasn`t even trying ha ha ha fair play again mate and well done you and sir storm....Keep at it and remember mate damashaman is flying the scottish flag we all know there miserable feckers at the
  2. I dug to my terrier my best terrier to date and found a dead rabbit including my best dog dead feck that hurt..........
  3. i feed 4 staffs and 3 lurchers costs me nothing really tracked venison all the time or free sacks of 25kg lamb beef pork or chicken lucky really but i do have to do the farmers pest control for nothing..Thats a shame lol lol If you have a steady amount of edible game then you cant grumble only thing is rabbits are no good as mine wont eat them rather venison or hares really..........
  4. the bitch was nearlly put to sleep in july with a severe dislocation to her front leg whilst running in to a fence just goes to show some injuries can repair fairly well;;;;;;;;
  5. just messing i think mate cause she always looks like a dead donkey.......
  6. cheeky git shes only 4 in april.............
  7. i`ve got a heartbreak bitch last litter he bred i think game as you like does or did your boy take charlie if so how did he fair.....
  8. Here you go mate see the size bit better here
  9. My life isn`t the computer don`t know you never will but why go to all the time and effort writing a post in a hunting forum about absolutely nothing not digging at you but it ain neccesary no one gives a shit whether you stay or not to be fair mate........
  10. i wouldn`t imagine tyres being a desirable place for charlie to occupy regular but howard how often have we had fox`s in them tyres mate.......
  11. Mate she isn`t spannable but she is or could be handy for the earths selected for her she is only 13" @ the shoulder.Put some more pics up rats
  12. Here is a poor poor picture of that bitch should bush well enough we will try her in a fourtnight..........
  13. Myself kane and ratkilla both said the same butler i for one have lots of permision with plastic bails and have never bolted or seen any charlie in at all....
  14. Royston2

    Bio Diesel

    Just got a bio pump for the garden brilliant saves alot in the long run.....
  15. I have a 20" bitch i class as a good bitch she doesn`t always catch but then that doesn`t mean she will open up...You class a dog as shite on the lamp because you didnt think of practicality it`s like me being a carpenter and taking along a fishing rod wrong tool for the job maybe rather than branding the dog shite you should of stated that he is ok on the lamp if you have him in fields suitable for his breeding.... By the way earlier i was out walking the dogs mate so sorry for that buddy i`ll ask next time stay of the thread and sell that dog to someone that knows what there doing...
  16. i got a nice bitch here who might be bred from this year shes got plenty for big fields but holds her own in small give us a bell you have my number.....
  17. Look mate if it is shite at lamping then its for a bloody good reason it aint cause its to slow is it so tell me why is it shit for lamping then i can maybe retract my statement then but if i wanted to use a dog it would have to have no faults especially one so large as shite at lamping tell us more about him then gobby....
  18. The guy is looking for a dog to cover a bitch mate why would he want a dog the current owner is claiming shite i can see the lurcher side getting as fecked up as the terrier side breeding from not only shite but shite that paople even know are crap whats the point.....
  19. i got a first cross bitch beddy grey doesn`t seem bothered by fox`s at all loves to hate them not the best in the world but wont come of one when the shit hits the fan.........
  20. £100 for a dog is cheap mongrel pet work what ever if you dont think so look in the free adds.The guy has stated he didnt know the cross or anything such like so take your risk but silly money is paid for much riskier pups in the sence people are told things are bred this way and that and they aint at least he was honest......
  21. Listen up you bunch of tight half wits... Why the feck should the guy give this pup to someone free to good working home bullshit should he who is feeding it who is putting up with the shit howling constant playing. To put a pup in kennels its a hundred pound a week...The lad has been honest some of you feckers would no doubt sell it as 1/4 this and that bullshat from this and that lines he has the pup up for sale his choice if you want a free pup go to a recue centre your`ll still be paying more than £50 for it...Feckinghell mongrels are getting that in my free adds paper any way good on ya
  22. I`ve got to be more careful with my cattle dog cross than any of my mates bulls they are all spot on with people pups etc maybe it`s the lines there from or maybe the way there braught up dont know but they certainly are not an untrusting breed.......
  23. I`m only messing bud looks a nice sort didn`t realise you had only put up two posts....
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