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Everything posted by Royston2

  1. JD did you have a problem with the dog with livestock that wasn`t on the menu like sheep etc or was it not broken to them any way...I know lads that dont come accross any sort of livestock ever there for no means of breaking them to stock let alone a reason for it...I know people must think if this was the case then a deer dog would chop sheep but this aint the case..My beddy/grey bitch had a roe out of some sheep, the brindle bitch was also steady with sheep but hooked on to one of the pigs on the farm and i had to steady her to stock again yet she had taken a good few deer and stayed steady
  2. :11: :11: :11: :11: Personally i have no comment :11: :11: :11:
  3. Breeze mate she has gone really light now she has matured
  4. With the leveret i suppose accidents can happen but i will remind you of that when i slip me dog and you and ya old man are saying leave this leave that i recon i`ll have slippy fingers from now on
  5. And here`s the G.S.D Grey.........This fecker wont stand at all you grab his collar and he just pulls...Proper wind up when your on the lamp and you got something breathing like a Beach Donkey after running the grand national fecking pain in the arse
  6. Hiya mate here is a pic of the brindle pup i got last year come on well not a great pic but the feckers dont stand still Give your staghound cross`s something to think about Whilst she`s kicking dust up in there face :11: :11:
  7. Dont you drive a skoda mike imagine driving all that way you would have to stop every ten mins just to wind it up again :11:
  8. f**k you Kye with out Allah i know i could never of survived. :11:
  9. Have you picked ya puppy school for him yet mate Very nice looking pup....
  10. Obviously it can be done then Would make life alot easier maybe i should give it ago wouldn`t have to walk around with a spade growing out me head any more But then again i love to be different
  11. I wouldn`t like to trust one as anything with a join in my eyes has a weakness.....Even if it is just to have tucked away we all know that the quick shallow digs always turn in to,a b*****d and i would bet that you would still be walking back to the motor or house to get some proper tools even if you took the fold up but maybe not,would be great if they was strong enough but i cant see how they are........
  12. This is my deerhound lurcher at 10 months who has done me very well so far not having done a season of work yet.....Notice i state her as a deerhound lurcher type even if it is only 1/8 but all the same surely she can be classed as a deerhound cross (maybe this is the problem) i know many people who class there dogs as deerhound type lurchers even if there bred similar to mine with a good bit of saluki in them personally if they work whats the problem if they dont work maybe it could be that individual you get failures in saluki cross`s bull cross`s beddy cross etc list is endless especially
  13. If turks ref at least he`ll be able to sleep at night :11:
  14. There was a peace in my local rag about the subject and it stated that there will be a cull (gassing) in the near future due to the high numbers........
  15. Nice one Kane....Thought it was only time before he took a rabbit :11: Just curious whats he like with rats any good
  16. In weight kye how big are these yote`s??? The one i see in ya garbage with the mrs was prety fecking big and i can imagine it taking quite a dog to do one :search:
  17. What do you expect a froggie scouse feck me i couldn`t think of a worse combination arrogant gobshite...Wee Wee calm down calm down :realmad: Feck me some shit really winds me up.....What the feck rights has someone got to dictate to fellow Englishman what they do in there own country no wonder there are so many English fleeing the country they have more rights else where........The whole fecking country is fecking going to pot or gone at the worse when a frenchman can say whether we can hunt on the land that he so happens now owns yet it has been hunted on for years hunt the f*****g frog that
  18. Mate by the sounds of it if it dont quieten down your`ll be digging multiple fecking holes then one big one at the end
  19. Tuftpaul no mouse in her breeding as far as i know i was under the impresion it was gerbil from way back maybe this is the cause to throw so small :search: :11:
  20. No need for insults you inbred ugly village idiot I tried to ring ya mate i`ve been working not only that mate but it has just been to hot give us a bell tonight mate and we`ll sort it out o
  21. Royston2


    Glad you got out Ratkilla just curious who did you meet when you stated someone having alot of knowledge :whistle:
  22. Kye although you told me what happened i still cant stop laughing mate The fact i have met big E is even funnier me and the mrs are still pissing are selves maybe the englishman and indian dvd will be out soon Fecking like the blair witch When he got cramp in the jeep is the funniest keep posting and keep giving the indian a complex lol lol well done mate
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