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Everything posted by Royston2

  1. # now way really? are you sure? maybe the bloke that gave you the pup can give you a life aswell.. @ reg Maybe i miss read this plonkers post then. i know whippet boys only a kid but come on......
  2. Sire and 2 pups from previous matings both going well now will put one up of the bitch when i get one.... sire with a fox that was pre ban and had already been dispatched...
  3. Reg aint no computer whizz kid and has no reason to bea his life doesn`t revolve around it like most people with working dogs he has no need to sit infront of a computer night after night so give the bloke a break...He`s got a red dog pup for sale from working lines all the way back cracking head on him the sire s a beast of a dog interested pm the guy don`t knock him.....
  4. Sounds like a night in amsterdam Thought you wasn`t the romantic type :whistle:
  5. The reason why i think she is so small is because the dam was the bedlington and greyhound was the sire mate not known it like this before but the bitch was from working stock...my bitch is full of heart exactly what i would expect from this cross whether its on the lamp mooching about or on a dig she`s always helpful.....
  6. Decent enough bloke all goes back to coursing stuff mate....both the dogs dam and sire are or should i say have been coursing dogs......
  7. Most peple do mate she`s a great little bitch
  8. First cross bedlington greyhound mate.........
  9. 7 weeks mate natural retriever just didn`t sicken her with it like some..
  10. God this has been a nightmare searching for a stud for this little bitch i missed her last season not through leaving it late but through not having a suitable dog available finally got one last night 3/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound very smart dog and am sure this will gel with the bitch producing some nice little lurchers full of heart can`t wait now i`m just waiting on her to come in .. P.S thanks for those who have contacted me via pm about studs from here much appreciated i wasn`t being funny with those that did contact me i just wanted the dog to be the right one ie cross not work rate as i`m
  11. It probably got a kick of the back step for whining at the door... We all now how trying pups can be...... Ive just got a suspicious mind
  12. 100% rabbit guaranteed no scratching at the earth or forceing her way in just pure patience 100% mark on a fox she will push in as far as she can and if its big enough enter she will come back and find you if your not in sight take you straight to it only if it`s terriers game not rabbits as she knows once the terriers entered she`ll get her reward cracking bitch..... pushed one in come back to let me know
  13. ive seen hard dogs not kill cubs and others that have some will some wont
  14. Lakey nice rats your not old enough to drink in a public place though are you??????
  15. Not quite the way in my eyes as so many well bred terriers are more than willing once the 8 month age comes up but we all know there`s a time and a place as the saying goes and this just aint the time happy hunting a good dog can be made by being held back as much as being entered i think......
  16. Fair enough mate but it would always be nice to give some advice to some of the less fortunate people who haven`t been in to it that long not for there sake but for the dogs it wont be there fault when there getting pushed around from pillar to post cause they haven`t had the start they possably should of maybe a quiet word of advice is always constructive keep at it though mate be nice to see how they come on very strong looking pups..
  17. Running pups on golf course rabbits your a bit new to this aint ya mate Nice pups though just dont go forgeting there only pups bud
  18. Just got a few monarch`s and looking at them it looks like the critters could crawl out of the opening does anyone on here have any experience with them if so let us know cheers Roy
  19. Where`s ya staffy working then mate????interesting to see that
  20. 3/4 grey 1/4 wheaton is what i fancied using across my beddy grey bitch t was out of a greyhound or a wheaton cross shame i can`t find either i went along for the greyound in the end because i thought it would be easier to find a suitable stud but there seems a fair few wheateon crosses about these days never reaslised
  21. Funny one reg i still got the scar from that b*****ds Border boy i didn`t think anyone would havea terrier that looks anything like that i felt sorry for you.....
  22. Next month brin is nearlly ready and the russel should do ok mate look forward to it
  23. Considering the farm it is that was a real quiet day very very quiet alot where mised through me not knowing the area and rats have there escape routes planned before they even bolt so should be better next time better results are had by lamping them at night with the terriers and lurchers always better on this farm especially with none of the greenery dieing back with all this mild weather.....
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