hi all here is some pics of the pups i bred these 2 are dog and bitch the dog is the one i got let down on so much which was the one i thought was pic of litter can only get these pics for the moment will get more...Told you he would be a big boy BLANDO
hi anyone had this before at the wrist joint knuckle if so whats there success been she is 3 years old been in a cast for 4 weeks now tendons had been badly stretched that was the damage after the dislocation hance the cast to allow them to mend
Hiya mate not great pics but i cant take a picture of them when they are out only when i tell them to sit then you cant see much of them..Any way bud they are coming on really well both sitting and laying on command at 12 weeks old retrieving is no go at the mo i aint even trying yet eveything is rag rag rag rag time will help far to young really just a bit harder than the mum she was spot on straight away...Roo is healing well and comes out of her cast in 2 weeks time tee has had 4 charlie since the pups also mate obviously once they been shot that is
Not great pics black bitch is quite hun
Kye you talk bullshit and you deserted your family when times where hard lets get to the tuth mate your one selfish arsehole....Whens your next fight anyway he fights at 155 gnasher i think unless he has deserted that like he did england and his suffering family..........
Been out with the dam of the pups and i no of the sire little loyd i love the make up ie percentage if only the owners of both dam and sire new there exact make up that would be a start how can the make up be determined
PM him if interested mate i have seen the bitch run for a few seasons and am very impressed really like the bitch cracking strong pups aswell black and tans lovely.......
each to there own i`m always park up and walk on foot i cover plenty of ground no 4x4 could get to some of the places and i have taken more quarry than alot of my drive by mates through just walking but i do put the hours in quite often i have been walking back in the season and its started getting light but like i say respect to all who work there dogs dont matter how you do it so long as you do i suppose..All the best Roy the wonderer
Not saying bulls are timid but they are sensativewell thats what i have found any way i love the way the elligant saluki is always to blame for its timidness in the make up of some lurcher to lurcher breedings...
Hi maybe i shouldn`t of judged all but i have worked with 4 cattle dog crosses all extremely similar in there traits and all of which had a tendency to be sharp maybe it was just the select few i have been out with but they wasn`t of the same line but they where all so similar in style it was uncanny...
Hi all thought my brindle bitch broke her leg other night just above the wrist what she had done was dislocate it the vet put it back and she is now in a splint the xray showed how ba it was it had litterally come right out bloody painful i bet any one know the rate of success with this sort of thing vet said she`d be fine but come on lads you all know the work these dogs get have any of you any experiance with this sort of dislocation if so what should i expect thanks for your time
jackal cross f**k all for me
or maybe a good beddy cross i like the cattle dog crosses though apart from there tendency to be a bit aggresive with people and other dogs